THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF SAYING YES Part 11---SAYING YES TO HEART COMMUNICATION Heart communication Express yourself straight from the heart [as opposed to the brain]….…allow yourself to spontaneously convey what it is that you feel…..speak in poetry…..speak from a place of love……sing or shout or whisper what it is that you feel [or any other way that your heart can best express itself]….in this spirit, notice how your relationships become more creative and truly expressive than it would be if you would always speak from the brain Blessings, Yitzchak THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF SAYING YES Part 12---SAYING YES TO CULTIVATING A BLISS BLISS RELATIONSHIP BLISS-BLISS When two people are soul-family-ers , they feel comfortable around each other [The Arizal does discuss an exception to this rule, in a case where 2 people have an extraordinary and unexplainable drive to jealously compete with each other or to be victorious over the other one. The Rav [the Arizal] attributes this to the fact that they are both of the same soul-root, although the majority of the time, rather than compete with each other, soul members seek to cooperate with each other in a very deep we go on to explain...]. The 2 family-ers experience a natural inner drive to make sure that the other one does their best in life and tries hard to perfect themselves and complete their Tikun. Their motivation for this is not necessarily altruistically motivated, but rather based on an inner certainty that the other ones Tikun is MY OWN Tikun. [For years now, I have been refering to this as a BLISS-BLISS phenomenon, to be distinguished from Steven Coveys Win-Win dynamic. Bliss-Bliss doesnt only say, Lets engage in a joint venture which is good for both of us, rather it states, Whatever you do thats good for you, is automatically good for me---and so too, Whatever I do thats good for me, is automatically good for you!! THE BLISS-BLISS TOOL--------Whether you are actually connected to an actual family person, or are just simulating the experience with someone [a non-family person] you feel very comfortable with, in order to maximally bond with that person, heres what you can do; Project or Envision how anything that they do to actualize themselves, however small and trivial or big and profound, somehow is very good for you! Perhaps it opens you up in the same area that theyve opened up for themself...... Perhaps it sheds light on a darkened area of your own life. The main thing is to contemplate or write down, in a free form fashion, all of the benefits that you gain from their gain. Then, let them know about it, and encourage to do the same for you!! You will be surprised and delighted at what a wonderful contribution that this strategy will do for your real soul-family relationships....and on a lesser level, also for your substitute non-soul family relationships. Blessings, yitzchak THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF SAYING YES Part 13---SAYING YES TO HELP ONE ANOTHER BE OUR BEST HELP EACH OTHER BE OUR BEST--[ON A MICRO-SCALE] ------Another important characteristic of people who are kindred spirits or soul brothers and sisters, is their natural drive to help the other person become the best that they can be. This expresses itself on a grand scale----ie---how the other person can leave their mark on the entire generation and on all of mankind, as well as in a microscopic way----ie----how can this other person be in a state of wellbeing every minute of their lives. Lets begin with the latter case; I, as their soul-family sibling, will experience every rise and fall of their spirit and their pain as if its my own. So too will I feel their joy as being my own joy and their breakthroughs in any problem areas as also being my own. I will totally accept their dysfunctionalities and faults, and though I will want them to be unencumbered of these failings, rather than being negatively judgmental, I will be fully empathetic and compassionate. [The Arizal explains that close friends, students and family members possess a metaphysical element called a lvush[ a type of a garb connected to their body and soul] that allows them to feel the other person , even though they are in a different place or one of them or both of them has passed on!] Since a family-er is naturally motivated to see to it that every aspect of the other persons life is micro-managed properly, here is a tool to help make that happen; HELP EACH OTHER BE OUR BEST ON A GRAND SCALE This is done by focusing on each others special unique point or points that they have, that none else in the generation has. Helping them to actualize this point properly, is immensely beneficial for them, for yourself and for the whole world! The experience of having someone celebrate me and my special talents and powers, makes me feel that Im larger than life, and inspires me to live up this grand vision, especially if Im being constantly encouraged in a loving and pressure less way. Heres a helpful technique; THE MANIFESTING OUR SPECIAL POINT TOOL a. IDENTIFY THE POINT---------------Together with your partner, scan a part of your lifes history. Try to identify to identify one or more of your outstanding displays of power or achievements. Analyze it; relive it and experience how it felt. What about it can you reproduce in your life right now?----or else what about it is naturally expressing itself in your life now? b. CELEBRATE THE POINT--------------Be creative and expansive and allow yourself to envision how this point is contributing something essential to every single person on the planet. Do whatever you can do to get the word out. Lavishly praise the other person for their point. Volunteer to do anything that you can do to manifest and cause the point to mushroom in their life and in the lives of other people. Then try to integrate the point into your own life as best as you can! Blessings, Yitzchak
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 13:55:01 +0000

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