THE CROSS OF CHRISTIAN The elevation of the cross (September - TopicsExpress


THE CROSS OF CHRISTIAN The elevation of the cross (September 14/27 September) the Apostles Tsar Constantine wanted to build temples of God in the sacred places for Christians in Palestine, (i.e. in place of birth, suffering, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and others) and find the cross on which he was crucified the Savior. To fulfill the desire of the King did, with great joy, his mother, St. equal of Queen Elena. In 326 by Helena with his own want to went to Jerusalem. A lot of work put it, to look for the cross of Christ, as the enemies of Christ Cross, burying our concealed it in the ground. Finally, it pointed to the one of an elderly Jew named Judas, who knew where the Cross of the Lord. After much discussion and persuasion he was forced to say. It turned out that Holy Cross is thrown into a cave and littered with rubbish and Earth, and built a pagan temple. Queen Helena ordered to destroy this building and dig out the cave. When dug out a cave, found it three cross and lying on a plate with the inscription Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews. Need to know which of the three crosses is the cross of the Savior. Jerusalem Patriarch Macarius (Bishop) and Queen Elena firmly believed and hoped that God gives the Holy Cross of the Savior. On the advice of the Bishop began to bring the crosses one by one to one heavily ill woman. Two crosses, there has been no miracle, when they laid the third cross, she immediately became healthy. It happened that at that time carried the deceased for burial. Then began to place crosses one after the other and the deceased; and when laid the third cross, the deceased come to life. Thus learned the cross of the Lord through which the Lord committed miracles and showed the vital force of his cross. Queen Elena, Patriarch Macarius and surrounding them with joy and reverence to the cross of Christ bowed and kissed it. The Christians of this great event, came together in countless to where was obtained (found) the cross of the Lord. Everyone wanted to venerate the Saint giving cross. But because of the many people to do was impossible, all have been asking at least show it. Then the Patriarch Macarius stood on higher ground and all I could see were a few times (risen) it. People are seeing the Cross Savior, bow and exclaimed: Lord have mercy! of St. equal to the Apostles Kings of Konstantin and Elena, over the place of suffering, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ built a vast and magnificent temple in honor of the resurrection. Also built temples on the Mount of olives, in Bethlehem and in Fevrone in Oak Mamrijskogo. Helena of the cross brought his son, King Constantine and another part left in Jerusalem. This precious remnant of the cross of Christ and to date is stored in the Church of the resurrection of Christ.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 06:22:02 +0000

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