THE CROW and THE RAVEN PART III Brandon Lee dies as a result of evil, injustice, murder perpetrated on his person by evil minds, hearts and hands. He vows to return to set things straight and prevent further evil death pain from spreading to others as well as dysfunction begets further trauma and dysfunction like a cancer resulting in the type of people and world you have today. THE CROW is the YEHOSHUA or JESUS character in the Gospels, or the ELIYAH character in the Hebrew Bible, or the BODDHISATVA character in Buddhist Tradition, or the Hindu AVATAR, or QUETZALCOATL in Native American Tradition, etc etc etc The theme of the RETURN or SECOND COMING at the darkest hour is the THEME of Raven and Crow and is a universal theme in all people and cultures and this RETURN takes place through and via INCARNATION, REINCARNATION and RESURRECTION IN THE FLESH. When WE talk about bloodshed WE are not only referring to guns, knives, atomic bombs, bombs, etc. the term BLOODSHED is very broad and WE are going to refresh your brains about this term which you limit to only guns knives and explosion and so you erroneously believe you are off the hook with everything else and that all other bloodshedding activities are permissible and not transgression. For instance, a profitable medical system that allows people to suffer and die because of money issues is causing death and bloodshed thus those who support such a system from hospitals, doctors, insurance companies, politicians, and utilities companies and employers in some cases such as is happening now with Obamacare with those who do not allow it to happen, ARE SHEDDING Human life and blood in the name of MONEY OVER LIFE and so you have transgressed Divine Law and Will and the blood of all those Abels falls upon your shoulders tying you karmically with that soul beyond fath and sooner or later you have to pay for that transgression to appease the past and bring balance and justice. You keep dragging all these karmic debts from life to life until YOU FINALLY AWAKEN from your dysfunctional and destructive neurotic repetitive behaviors. That you allow guns in your streets is another fine example, or that you feed people garbage food and die eventually as a result, or that your psychiatsic system is a failure resulting eventually in a young man to seek to commit suicide while taking others lives on the way, etc etc etc This is why you need to reform your minds, hearts, attitudes, actions, priorities, institutions, Government, etc. This time the only way to get off the Divine hook is to bring positive change from the inside out and not cosmetic superficial change based on appearance only and only lip service.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 20:01:10 +0000

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