THE CRUCIFIX: Christians throughout the ages have depicted both - TopicsExpress


THE CRUCIFIX: Christians throughout the ages have depicted both Jesus on the cross and the bare cross depending not on theological considerations but on other factors, such as whether the medium they were working in could accommodate the human form easily and whether they had the artistic skill or craftsmanship to fashion a corpus. Traditionally there has been a preference for showing the corpus when possible, as this is a more vivid reminder of the crucifixion (the crucifixion is the whole point of a cross, after all). However, this is not a theological mandate. One of the false allegations made by some non-Catholic Christians is, Catholics downplay Jesus Resurrection by putting too much emphasis on Jesus Crucifixion. Their false allegation implies Catholics reject the risen Christ and worship the dead Christ. Their allegation is not only totally false, but also totally absurd. Catholics worship both the Jesus who died for their sins and also the Jesus who rose from His sacrificial death for their sins. At Mass Catholics profess, Jesus has died, JESUS IS RISEN, Jesus will come again. For non-Catholic Christians to falsely assert that Catholics do not profess Jesus is RISEN apparently has never been to a Mass and know Catholicism. Their so-called knowledge of Catholicism comes from other sources other than the Catholic Church herself. According to these non-Catholic Christians Jesus Crucifixion is a past event only, and displaying Jesus on a Cross supposedly suggests Catholics want to keep Jesus dead or continually dying as if they want to deny His Resurrection. Catholics do not deny Jesus Resurrection. If they did, there wouldnt be church on Sundays to commemorate Jesus Resurrection, nor the celebration of Easter! Another false allegation that is made is the Crucifix is an idolatrous image for Catholics to worship. This is another allegation that is totally false and absurd. Its not the image itself that is worshipped, but the PERSON the image represents. When Catholics genuflect before the Crucifix at church, they are genuflecting before the Person Jesus who died for their sins. The venerated Crucifix represents what took place on the original Cross. The accusation that has been thrown by non-Catholic Christians about worshipping this so-called idolatrous image is totally false and absurd. It makes me wonder how anyone can be so ignorant and judgmental that they really believe they can read a persons heart and know whats taking place between that heart and God. I also find it ironic that the same non-Catholic Christians who absurdly assert that the Crucifix is an idolatrous image for Catholics to worship also have Crosses (without the Body, of course) displayed at their churches and also around their necks. Using their logic does this mean they too are guilty of idolatrous images and worshipping them? Go figure! We Catholics have also been asked why we need a Crucifix to be reminded of Jesus passionate love and self-giving sacrifice. We can ask the same question to non-Catholic Christians. Why do they need empty Crosses in their church and around their neck? Do they need the empty Cross to remember Jesus Resurrection? We Catholics have Crucifixes to publicly preach Jesus’ Crucified (1Corinthians 1:23). The heart of the Gospel message is Jesus DIED for our sins and conquered death. St. Paul also says, For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (1 Corinthians 1:18). The Crucifix displays Gods passionate and unconditional endless love and His infinite mercy He has for all of us. It is sad that some people, especially professing Christians, are offended when they see a Crucifix and have this need to criticize it. -catholic -kathyschley
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 07:06:08 +0000

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