THE CULMINATION OF THE ZANU PF GRAND PLAN OF DOMINANCE, IS DAMNINGLY OBVIOUS IN ZIMBABWE, AS MTHWAKAZI, MPALAWANI, GWAMANYANGA, MPOPOTI, AND ZHABAZHA PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN MATEBELELAND SOUTH ARE FORCED TO TEACH SHONA AS THE INDIGENOUS LANGUAGE IN PLACE OF NDEBELE. A language is an important part of a childs development and no child should be denied the opportunity to develop his/ her mother language. School Development Committees brush the issue aside whilst, the Matabeleland South provincial education Director, Mrs Tumisang Thabela professed ignorance over the state at the schools. The Zanu PF Chairman, who is also, the Senior Minister of State in the President’s Office, and a man from Matebeleland region, Cde Simon Khaya Moyo, has summoned Primary and Secondary Education Minister, Cde Lazarus Dokora, to explain the policy of engaging non-Ndebele speaking teachers in the Matabeleland region, which is blamed it for contributing to the low pass rates in primary schools in the region. The Zimbabwe government must urgently address the root of the problem in consultation with Matebeleland provinces and demonstrate to the society that, after the Gukurahundi genocide in which Mugabe used his brutal Zanu PF, North Korean trained 5th brigade to murder 20 000 people of Matebeleland, this is not tribalism and the stealth implementation and culmination of a ZANU PF grand plan in action First the violent Gukurahundi genocide, mass displacement of the people mainly down to South Africa and eventually the destruction of the language and voila! You have subjugation of the Matebeleland region, complete. Is it any wonder why Mugabe thinks nothing much about the region when he says Matebeleland people are only satisfied with border jumping into South Africa, and eventually returning with achieving the dream of purchasing a blanket and a bicycle and their lives are sorted? You do the Maths! The people of Matebeleland must call the Matebeleland leaders and government to account for such a heinous act, without delay. The government must be responsive to the peoples concerns over the issue, reach out and resolve this by, at the very least going out to meet the people, listening to the people, consulting Matebeleland churches and community leaders, Matebeleland development organisations, Matebeleland opposition leaders and locally available Matebeleland retired teachers and working age Matebeleland teachers who have simply left the profession. Its imperative that the government is responsive because this is a critical healing and community cohesion platform, which if ignored will only serve to inflame, tribalism, hatred, divisions and lack of co-operation from the region from an already disillusioned region. This is not about employing Ndebele teachers but primarily about employing teachers from anywhere who have an excellent command of the Ndebele language, irrespective of whether they are Coloured, white, Ndebele, Shona or any political affiliation.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 07:37:12 +0000

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