THE CURRICULUM FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN EGYPT MUST HAVE A MANDATORY SUBJECT TITLED "THE ART OF DEBATE" . If any of you had a chance to watch a television debate between two Egyptians or one Egyptians and someone else, you will join my call to teach our students at an early age "HOW TO DEBATE AND THE MANNAR OF DEBATES". ONE EXAMPLE: When Mr. Amr Deyab was interviewing senator John McCain, he kept on talking and asking questions and never allowed the senator to answer any of his questions. Senator McCain kept asking him to give him a chance to finish one sentence. At the end Mr. McCain told him "I give thousands of interviews and never run into someone like you". He ended the interview and walked out of the set. NEXT DAY I READ IN THE EGYPTIAN NEWSPAPERS THAT MR. DEYAB IS A HERO AND TOOK CONTROL OF THE INTERVIEW. THIS MUST NOT BE PRAISED IT MUST BE CONDEMNED. WE MUST TEACH OUR CHILDREN AND STUDENTS THE ART OF DEBATE AND THE RESPECT OF THE OTHER OPINION. WE MUST TEACH THEM TO LISTEN MORE THAT THEY TALK. This must be adopted so we end up with a new generation that respects each other even if we differ in opinion, believes, level of education, background, social stand,.....etc. Good day.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 19:40:13 +0000

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