THE DAILY BREAD OF LIFE FAMILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 2014 TOPIC : FINDING REST IN A RESTLESS WORLD MORNING: Matthew 11:28 In this day and age, our culture has become so accustomed to having constant activity going on — computers, cell phones, television, email, video games etc, and theres nothing wrong with that. Sometimes, we have to stop and be still so we can focus on knowing God. This is especially true during the difficult times in life. When you are facing a challenge, its easy to want to run to a friend or talk about it with a neighbor. At some point, you have to stop and say, “God, I rest in You. I know You have me in the palm of Your hand.” Remember, our battles are spiritual battles. The people in your life arent your enemies, the forces of darkness are. When you choose to be still and know that the Greater One lives on the inside of you, you are saying to the whole world, “I trust God. He is my Defender.” When you choose to believe in Him, you will enter into His rest. Remember, the battle belongs to the Lord. As you are still before Him, as you tune out the distractions of the world and lean on Him, you will find rest and experience His victory and blessing in every area of your life. MEDITATION: Isa 42:16 EVENING: Psalm 46:10 Father, I humbly come to You, seeking rest for my heart and mind. I choose to be still before You and cast my cares on You. Speak to my heart so I can know You more. Fill me with Your peace as I put my trust in You in Jesus name. Amen. BIBLE STUDY: MATTHEW 10:26-42/ LEVITICUS 9 & 10/ PROVERBS 23
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 06:30:25 +0000

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