THE DAILY PLANET: FRIDAY: SEPTEMBER 19TH The moon is in regal and - TopicsExpress


THE DAILY PLANET: FRIDAY: SEPTEMBER 19TH The moon is in regal and creative Leo today. For all signs focus on joyful creativity, inner or outer children and leadership. ARIES: The moon in your creative sector makes today a fabulous day to focus on big creative projects that make your heart sing. As you go through your day playing at what you most delight in keep a running dialogue of support and encouragement with your inner child. TAURUS: Things look great on the home front today, in fact these days things at home are better than ever. Today reach out and express love and appreciation to your family. Don’t be stingy. Be fearless and express your love with solar generosity. Radiate it. GEMINI: Your are poised to take a giant leap on the communication front Gemini. Today be fearless as you advance your cause. Step one: align your words and message with your heart. Step 2: Align your heart with the infinite love and generosity of the Universe. Step 3: Express yourself fearlessly. CANCER: Today your creativity is golden and could very well lead to real gold in your bank account. Take fearless action to pitch, promote and advance your projects while getting crystal clear about costs and profit. Today’s mantra: The universe rewards me handsomely for sharing my gifts and talents! LEO: Today you have the star power of a Supernova Leo. Use your off the charts wattage to dream up theatrical projects that use your talent to the fullest. Check in with your soul and make sure the chosen project is aligned with your soul not your ego. Let your big generous heart guide you as you Shine Shine Shine! VIRGO: You are exceedingly poised and lovely this month with gracious Venus in your sign, but the big magic for you is going on behind the scenes where Mighty Jupiter has set up house for the year. It is as though the radiance of angelic starlight is today joined by moonlight illuminating your connection to the divine. Today your very presence is a blessing to all you meet. LIBRA: You are the voice of justice and peace this month and today you confer these gifts upon your increasingly powerful and influential social network. You have a big part to play serving others by hammering out the details behind the scenes. This is all wonderful, but don’t forget to nurture your own massive creative talents thereby establishing balance in your life. SCORPIO: Today take at least one big beautiful golden step to advance your career. Dare to admit what you truly want to do. Dare to spend at least 3 solid hours doing it. Dare to share this vision or project with at least one trusted friend who can help you advance the cause. Today’s mantra: I was born to Shine!! SAGITTARIUS: Today view your life as a big beautiful creative adventure. As the weekend approaches, make a pact with yourself to have real fun and play around creatively. There could be a big payoff for publishing projects. This is a great time to make travel plans. Did someone say road trip? CAPRICORN: Today it is as though your inner child and inner artist are released from a long imprisonment. There is loving nurturing light streaming down on you, illuminating old fears that got in the way of your creativity and relationships. Feel these old fears dissolve in the light of your new dawning consciousness. AQUARIUS: There are fantastic new partnerships afoot today that nurture your creativity and your soul. You are a sign known for detachment, but this is no time for detachment. Let your love shine. Let it reign. Dare to express your love fearlessly. PISCES: Today let your daily work be a joyful reflection of what your soul yearns to do creatively. You are poised to really expand your daily work in alignment with your personality and considerable creative talent. Today take a courageous step to align your work with your heart.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 03:15:24 +0000

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