THE DAILY PLANET: MONDAY OCTOBER 13TH 2014: The Gemini moon goes - TopicsExpress


THE DAILY PLANET: MONDAY OCTOBER 13TH 2014: The Gemini moon goes void from 1:58 PM EDT till 7:30 PM EDT when it enters maternal Cancer. Use the void time to quiet your mind and get mentally organized. ARIES: Begin your day like an athlete of the mind. Hit the ground running with important communications first thing in the morning. Move on to writing and publishing projects. Dot the i’s cross the t’s. Keep up an effective steady pace till 1:58 pm EDT when you kick it into low gear and review what has been said and done. TAURUS: Focus on the fiscal today. These days your ideas about money are just as important and lucrative as the money itself. Commit your thoughts to paper. Handle important transactions first thing in the morning. After 1:58 PM EDT reflect upon how best to get your message out there. GEMINI: Continue the practice of treating yourself as though you were an incalculably precious creature, which of course you are. Be kind to yourself, be tender to yourself, be loving to yourself. Speak sweetly to yourself while remembering that actions speak louder than words. The way we treat ourselves is the template for how others treat us. CANCER: The week begins with you on a mental retreat. In the quiet chamber of your mind let uplifting thoughts echo. Today’s mantra; I am perfectly supported at all times. I am made of Infinite Light… and to jazz it up a bit..I’m a picker i’m a grinner I’m a lover and I’m a winner…….. LEO: If you write it they will come Leo. But first you have to write it. So wake up early, invite the Muse to join you, sit down and one word at a time get to work. Have a writing buddy who you are accountable to. The main thing is: Get her done! VIRGO: Today what really takes care of you is to connect with your administrative powers and be the CEO of your life. Take charge. Get things organized and ship shape. Delegate and oversee, all the while thinking and acting in a way that supports your big beautiful vision. LIBRA: Begin your day with travel and communication. You are on a philosophical journey today reflecting on the Big Questions. The Big Answers may find expression in your career. Let your mind wander here and there nibbling on memory and hopeful speculation. Be patient inspiration is on its way. SCORPIO: Your X Ray vision is working at full strength today. Use it to discern your own motives. See through the bars of your mental prison and notice they are made of unsubstantial fear. Turn the light of your penetrating consciousness on all that would confine you and watch it dissolve in the light of your growing consciousness. SAGITTARIUS: You are asked to be the nurturing force in all of your relationships today. Let loving kind and protective thoughts and words be your shield today. In the words of John Lennon” Love is the answer… and you know that for sure…” CAPRICORN: Begin your day with health routines and good nutrition. At work create organization that supports pristine clarity and inspiration. Watch your thoughts and words today. Choose a mental focus and bring your mind back to it all day. Here’s a good one: I am a channel for brilliant and inspired ideas. AQUARIUS: Your work is play today as your creativity flits here and there like a caffeinated butterfly. Go ahead fly hither and yon. Check out this blossom and that. Hob nob with your fellow butterflies and at the end of the day ask yourself what ideas were most delightful and intoxicating to you. PISCES: The moon in Gemini is finishing its stay in your home sector today. Spend the morning reflecting on what you arrived at in the past couple of days. Home is not just a place, its an idea. To feel at home no matter where you are just click your ruby heels together and repeat… There’s no place like home…..
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 04:45:18 +0000

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