THE DAILY PLANET: SATURDAY NOVEMBER 22: NEW MOON IN SAGITTARIUS: Today the Sun and moon both leave the cavernous underworld of Scorpio and ascend into the sunlit realm of Sagittarius. By 7:19 AM EST the Moon will join the Sun in wise optimistic Sagittarius in time for today’s New Moon in Sag which takes place at 7:32 AM EST. Today is a wonderful day to begin new projects and adventures, especially regarding travel, cultural exchange, higher learning and publishing. Heaven to Earth Astrology will be holding our New Moon tele Ceremony at 7PM EST this evening. If you wish to join us click here to register. heaventoearthastrology/?page_id=268 Invite your most inquisitive nature to guide you on a journey in search of healing, wisdom, celebration, abundance and connection this month. ARIES: Today begins a beautiful cycle of higher learning and philosophy. Last month was a healing journey into the depths of your soul. That journey is not entirely over, the challenge is to saddle up, take what you discovered and gallop off to find the wisdom systems and healing modalities that will give you insight and further liberation. When in doubt consult older cultures like Native America for wise guidance. Travel, explore, get active, get published, have fun. TAURUS: You have been in a deep meditation on partnerships that may have brought up some intense feelings. Today’s New Moon in Sagittarius takes place in your house of intimacy and shared wealth. Today you emerge from your meditation and begin to form your philosophy of sharing. What do you value most in your relationships and what do you most want to share? Enjoy exploring the answers to these questions this month. How can we all wisely share and protect our earth’s resources? That is the big question this month. GEMINI: Today’s New Moon takes place in your partnership sector. You may be contemplating formalizing a business or personal relationship. You are thinking bigger than ever before. Today begin to explore the philosophy of marriage and partnership. How do other cultures approach commitment. This is a great month for travel and for forging international partnerships and alliances. CANCER: Today’s New Moon begins a wonderful cycle of abundance in your work sector. Say yes to work opportunities as things look fiscally fortunate. Cross cultural and international work alliances look good this month. On a personal note, explore health practices from other cultures. Explore the wisdom of true healthy living. Clean food, pleasurable movement and connection to nature foster well being. Try new and culturally different approaches to body mind and spirit. LEO: Today begins a wonderful creative beginning for you. Set up the easel, pull out the paints or take to the stage. Whatever your art form, this is the month to explore it.The big expansion you are going through finds direct expression in your art and self expression. Be playful, be daring, be bold. Begin! VIRGO: Home is where the jovial expansion takes place this month. Today’s New Moon has you bringing a smorgasbord of cultural influences into your home for the holidays. Nurture yourself with beauty and wisdom from far and wide. Bring cultural influences that teach you new ways to reverently observe the season of winter and light. LIBRA: You are the voice of faith and wisdom and true wealth this month. You are broadcasting beauty, partnership meaning and connection. You are connecting us all to joyful pageantry while still keeping it real and responsible. This month explore how to widen your communication sphere. There are opportunities afoot in this area. The answer is yes! The time is Now! SCORPIO: You have been transforming, setting boundaries, working diligently on yourself. Today the New Moon moves new expansive joyful energy into your house of self worth and money. Both should be growing nicely this month. Fear not Scorpio your sign rules all the wealth of the underworld. Precious metals and gold like your own worth, may have been hidden, but when you dig a little you hit the jack pot. SAGITTARIUS: Happy New Moon in your Sign Sagittarius and Happy Birthday month as well. Last month may have been trying. There was a big need to surrender. Learning to let go is still a good idea, but this month you also get to pick up what you enjoy the most. Today begins a wonderful new beginning of opportunity, beauty and joyful fun adventure. Have fun this month especially with your creativity. That’s where the smart money is this month. Today bet on your own considerable talent. CAPRICORN: Today’s New Moon takes place in your spiritual sector making this a truly rich joyful holiday season for you. Celebrate all paths in the lead up to the solstice and the winter holidays. Feel your faith expanding as you connect with the Source through a myriad of beautiful devotional paths. AQUARIUS: Today’s New Moon takes place in your friendship network beginning a big beautiful social season for you. Plant social seeds today that will blossom into wonderful and productive collaborations. Make calls, make plans, create an event or host a party. Make friends with and in other cultures. PISCES: Today’s New Moon begins a wonderful and expansive cycle in your career sector. There are new adventures and opportunities opening for you on that front. Explore rugged new ideas. Learn new philosophies and how to apply them to your professional life. Explore work in and with other countries and cultures. You Pisces hold the key to oneness. This month explore the cultures and philosophies that lead us back to this. The First Nations are our greatest teachers these days.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 04:50:52 +0000

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