THE DANGER OF COMPARISON Ive realized over the years that Im a - TopicsExpress


THE DANGER OF COMPARISON Ive realized over the years that Im a slightly competitive person. I generally like to win. Maybe its because I was an only child so I didnt have much competition, but I would often gauge my success based on the success of others. During elementary school I was THAT KID, who, when finishing a standardized test would quite LOUDLY put his pencil down and turn his paper over, just to make sure everyone knew I was done. Yep, THAT KID. Often, this attitude creeps back in for me and I become either envious or jealous of others. Check out the list of negative that comes from unhealthy comparison: - I devalue my own set of skills and unique contributions - I see only the best of others while accentuating my worst - I become PARALYZED in my thoughts and stop taking actions that actually help me to improve in given area - I begin to literally copy what someone else is doing whether or not it might fit me or my style of leadership - I stop concerning myself with the process and only focus on the results since I want to be better than someone And the list can go on and on. I have found FREEDOM from this kind of comparison and it only comes through my willingness to define my worth, not by WHAT I DO, but WHO I AM. My primary identity has changed from earning my position, to DECLARING MY SONSHIP. I AM A SON OF THE RISEN KING. Out of this identity I then can follow the instructions of the following verse from scripture: Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. DONT COMPARE YOURSELF WITH OTHERS. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the CREATIVE BEST you can with your own life. (Galatians 6:4, 5 MSG) Ive heard that creativity and fear cannot co-exist. So, if we are running scared, we will never be able to give our creative best to this world. It all begins with IDENTITY. So, today, do your best and be satisfied that it is enough, letting others do their very best as well.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 12:43:05 +0000

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