THE DANGER OF REDEFINING EVIL HILLSIDE HELPS-“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil…” (Isa. 5:20a) The day in which we live has been described in a number of ways. It has been called the worst of economic times our generation has ever known. Others refer to our day as the last days or evil days. Any one of these descriptions fit the conditions in our day. It appears that things seem to be running in reverse and turned inside out. It is true in clothes we wear. Labels have moved from inside to the outside. Blue jeans are purchased faded with holes in them. Clothes used to be worn to cover up and protect the body from the elements, now expose more than ever, except in the days of EVE. It can also be seen in the morality of people. What once made people blush with embarrassment now has become an accepted part of everyday society. There is a very obvious effort by some to set their own standards of right and decency. As we can tell, the “standard” is no longer standard. There is the concerted effort to redefine right and wrong, based on the opinions of the populace, with an arrogant disregard for past history of solid standards. God’s Word is the absolute Truth when it comes to defining what is right and decent. Our nation was built on Biblical principles that became our moral compass. It is written into our Constitution, thus establishing a standard of right based on God’s Word, not man’s opinion. Should any of us be surprised that so many things are being “redefined”. The world wants to avoid the conflict with what has always been right and true by redefining the family, marriage, society, school and even church. Now days you have to say things so carefully as not to offend anyone, otherwise you can be terminated from the workplace or pulpit. It has gotten so bad lately. It seems every group comes out their closet demanding acceptance, tolerance, and recognition. In the process, they want the world changed, while they are not willing to change. Everybody has to fit around their theology, politics, and their opinions. What God has said is more important than anything we could ever say. His truth is eternal. His Word never changes, because He never changes. The whole Bible is the revelation of what He wills for us to say, do, and be. He is our standard, not an ever changing world. He warned, with a promise of “woe” upon those who make the mistake of looking at evil and calling it good and then looking at good and calling it evil. As our parents taught us, right is right and wrong is wrong. Evil is evil and good is good. Any effort to call it anything else has with it a coming woe. Today, be sure your standard of good and evil is the Bible. Don’t let the world determine what is right or wrong, good or evil. Read, study, learn, and obey God’s Word for it is the unchanging and absolute TRUTH that sets the boundaries. (Bro Jerry McNeer) PLEASE SHARE
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 11:18:49 +0000

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