THE DARK AGES IN CHRISTIANITY During the dark period in - TopicsExpress


THE DARK AGES IN CHRISTIANITY During the dark period in christianity when satan found that the torturing and martyrdom of the christians and the destruction or burning of Bibles would not stop the church from growth,he employed a more successful method. The devil made sure the bible was lock in Monastries and kept alone for only the priests to read and translate it to their members. So christians only heard about the word of God only when they came to the sanctury because they didnt have access to the bible. Also the devil made sure the bible was written in latin so the common people could not understand. So God in his great love raised men who formed what we call REFORMERS;men like John Calvin,John Knox,Martin luther and the likes who fought the priests to get bibles to our homes and in the language that everyone understand like english,etc Many of them died trying to get the bibles to us. So the devil is always trying to get us away from Gods word. And now-The devil is using creeds and doctrines to beguile christians from the truth in the bible.Thats why some christians will say in my church we have this belief and others will say this is our belief.which shouldnt be so-cos we have one bible and not several beliefs. The bible is above your church doctrine and creeds,if it contradict the bible-dont take it.Dont be in bondage by church creeds and doctrines.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 23:08:16 +0000

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