THE DARK HALF It was here, before the beginning. - TopicsExpress


THE DARK HALF It was here, before the beginning. This made it older than anything. It has been traveling, for so long that; we can only imagine it as being forever. An asteroid, hurling through the spaces, that have no time, no speed, no direction. It was forever traveling and yet not moving. Until the beginning, when it is given life, size, speed, direction. All of which, if given the means, can be calculated, analyzed, and understood, by the life, that happens to be, on the very unlucky planet directly in front of it. This big black rock, boulder, mountain, a dark specter of death, virtually invisible against the black ocean of matter we call space. This rock, that started its journey, long before our beloved blue planet was formed, now threatens to send it back into the days of floating debris. So near, to the end of its journey through always. So near to the blue planets own forces. One of which will pull this rock, into the planet itself. It is a type of planetary, hara-kiri. It is something that has happened countless times, to countless planets, over countless years. It is something that plays over and over, quickly ending the countless lives of countless things. Now it has come for us. The specter of death, the thief in the night sneaks upon us, to steal our lives. This rock, poised for the ending that will create the beginning. Then did something, it had never done, in its total existence. It stopped. “What do you mean it stopped”? Ted said, into the phone, with a smooth emotionless voice, a voice threatening, at any second to betray him, and his true feelings of back flipping joy. “Wow, this is unbelievable. What are you thinking”? Ted says, with the same smooth voice. He sits there listening intently to the voice on the other end of the phone, his face changing, from the look of relief to deep thought provoking concern.” I see” Ted says, Wiping the sweat, from his forehead, with a paper towel, he retrieved from a drawer in his desk. After many seconds of silence, Ted says “ok. I’ve looked at everything so far” and “I just don’t know.” “I’m not a scientist”. That’s why I need you” “I look to you for answers, solutions”. I know, you’ll come through for me”. “Let me go over what you’ve just sent me”. “I need to talk to the president, and then I’ll get back to you”. “We’ll hold at red micro press prejudice”. “I will let you know, when that changes”. “Make sure you get in touch with me immediately, if anything changes, anything”. “Make sure you call me back, and give me some good news, that I can relay to the president”. “Cross your fingers kid”. “I’m out”. Ted hung up the phone, and wiped his face, with a couple more paper towels. He stood up, and then looked up, and said “thank you GOD For every extra second you’ve just given us”. He sat back down and logged onto his computer. Ted, the tough as nails Secretary Of Defense, sat rigid at his desk. Staring at the images sent to him, while he continuously wiped at the sweat dripping from his face. He was glad no one was around to see him. No one here had ever seen him like this.” I’ve got to get myself under control”. He thinks to himself. Getting up, he walks into, the adjoining bathroom, and splashes cold water on his face. After drying his face off, he looked into the mirror, and stared himself down. When his face, finally holds onto the look, he wishes to present. Ted turns and goes back into his office.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 15:38:38 +0000

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