THE DARK HOURS – MY FIRST ENGLISH NOVEL ON THE CHANGES IN THE LIFE OF TRIBAL PEOPLE IN INDIA PUBLISHED BY PARAGON INTERNATIONAL, NEW DELHI The novel is the result of my long staying on the boarder of Phulbani, a tribal district in our state. I had the opportunity of coming in contact with a tribal community staying at a height 2000 kms surrounded by seven hills. My experience of the pathless woods and the human life there in abounding in an antiquity bristled with a temptation for civilized life. It is not altogether a savage life but not compatible with the gifts of modernity. Had these experiences not been sustained the creation of this novel could not be possible at all. There is factual presentation of a tribe, their language, culture and the changing scenario due to Maoism, industrialization and religious conflict. The people suffer from insidious hatred, jealousy because of the advent of various religious groups in their villages. A poetical view has been developed by the beauty and bounty of the valley. The protagonist fights for the people but the dark hour in its pretentious self plagues the growth....... The songs of the tribal people and the circumstances for changes in their life, the conversation in KUI language is translated in the novel. A detailed study of deforestation, visual images of the surrounding villages find expression in the novel. A contrast has been made of the changing scenario of per-independence India and the present time in Indian life in political, educational and social life. Study of the different acts relating to land of the tribal has been brought forth. The intricacies of the government in industrializing the tribal villages and its bad affects is dealt with in details. It is a conversation between a tribal boy and girl in the novel Nipada ani pada? – (What is your name?) ,the boy asked. Inu takibandi gatanju..(You are a tout), the girl said Anu neg gatanju, anu laoni pedai manenju-(I am a simple boy, I love you) the boy spoke mildly. Inu kalugatanju, Dai gatanju......( you are a drunkard, wild), the girl laughingly told. Ateka biye, Anu laoini pedai manenju.( so what , I love you)....................
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 15:51:04 +0000

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