THE DAY I FOUND OUT THAT LITTLE GIRLS ARENT LIKE LITTLE BOYS; We had just moved onto another farm to start working; were getting things all in place to start plowing the fields and getting the old mules shod and ready and Pa suggested we get in the old wagon and go visit some of the fellow farmers around and get aquainted with them and be Christian like you should do with folk. We went down this ole lonesome road along by a creek and came to some great looking bottom land and finally passed a big pasture with a few head of cattle and two good looking milk cows. Two ole hound dogs went to barking at us as we passed under some real big Black oaks and there sat a good looking little house with a swept clean yard with no grass growing in it at all, back then you kept a brush broom handy to keep the yard swept clean with no grass to help keep out the rats and snakes, it just looked good. Any way the old man and woman was sitting on the porch shelling leather britches and getting ready for supper, and three little ole girls were peeping around the corner of the house. Every one was getting aquainted and the biggest girl , all three were wearing overhauls as I and I figured she was bout 14 or so and the other two were bout 11 or 12 maybe,,,she came over and asked if I wanted to go down to the creek and throw some rocks,I said shore I do, I was bout 9 or 10 years old and enjoyed such as that. So here we all went and on the way we went past a big garden plot and at the end of it was a big tater crib, they stopped and went in and so I did too. Them girls went to digging taters out of the middle of the crib all way down into the saw dust and corn shucks that kept the taters from freezing in the winter and they went to fussing saying Im gonna be first, but at my age I had no clue as to what these three little skits were talking about. The older one started shucking off her overhauls and the other two got in front of the door and wouldnt let me out fer nothing,,I seen right off that something strange was going on and I am going to be a great big part of it, she grabbed me like Pa would have if he was gonna give me a whopping or something and threw me down and almost tore my britches off, she done thangs to me that I had heard a little bit about but always thought they was lies or such, man was I wrong about that - in a little bit - it felt like a bunch of Partridges flew out of my ass and I couldnt hardly breath and here come another one,,and then the other; hell I must have went to sleep after that one cause I heard them giggleing outside the tater crib as I was trying to git my britches back on. We all went back to their house and they made me promise not to tell anyone, so I got back in the back of the wagon and they sat down on the porch steps and sat there looking at me and just agrinning like a possum does when ya catch him in the hen nest eating all the eggs. I made it a habit going back by their house every chance I got and you know what,,,,,I never did get to throw any rocks into that dam creek, but I grew me a heck of a hankering to meet a lot of girls since then,,they werent so bad after all.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 20:07:40 +0000

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