THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT....PART NINE The THIRD heaven will - TopicsExpress


THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT....PART NINE The THIRD heaven will break,the Angles of the third heaven will descend, Allahu Akbar!! they will be STRONGER!!!! they will be GLORIFYING ALLAH!!!! they will Out number the Angles before them!!!!!....The Angels of the Fourth,Fifth,Sixth and the Seventh will all descend!!! do you know what will happen dear reader???, they will surround Mankind and Jinnkind!!!!, they will out number them!!!, they will be Stronger and Bigger on that DAY!!!!......He(saw) said that THERE ARE 8 ANGLES WHO WILL BRING ALLAHS THRONE ON THAT DAY!!!, ONE ANGEL THAT IS CARRYING ALLAHS THRONE!!,HIS FEET IS IN THE LOWEST EARTH AND THEIR SHOULDERS ARE ON THE HIGHEST HEAVEN AND ALLAHS IS UPON THE SHOULDERS!!!, THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THEIR EAR LOB AND THE NECK IS A DISTANCE OF 70 YEARS!!!!!, AT THIS MOMENT, THERE ARE 4 ANGELS WHO ARE CARRYING ALLAHS THRONE BUT ON THE DAY OF RECKONING, THEY WILL BE EIGHT ANGELS!!!! why because Allah(SWT) will be Angry like NEVER BEFORE!!!!!!.......He(saw) said that Allah will say to the 4 Angels that I CREATED YOU FOR A PURPOSE,YOU HAVE FULFILLED YOUR PURPOSE,DO YOU KNOW WHY I CREATED YOU???? and the Angels will reply YA ALLAH,YOU KNOW BEST and Allah will say I CREATED YOU THAT YOU CARRY MY THRONE,YOU HAVE FULFILLED YOUR PURPOSE, ASK FOR ANY POWER TODAY AND I WILL GRANT YOU!!! the First will ask YA ALLAH, GRANT ME THE POWER OF THE EARTH, AND HE WILL BE GRANTED!!!!, The second will say YA ALLAH,GRANT ME THE POWER OF THE WINDS, AND HE WILL BE GRANTED!!!..The third will say YA ALLAH,GRANT ME THE POWER OF THE HEAVENS, AND HE WILL BE GRANTED!!!! The fourth will say YA ALLAH, GRANT ME THE POWER OF THE RAIN, THE OCEAN AND WATERS, AND HE WILL BE GRANTED!!!!...Right after that, Allah(SWT) will say to them LIFT MY THRONE guess what brothers and sisters,they WONT BE ABLE and then Allah(SWT) will tell them to say LA HAWLA WALA KUWATA ILLAH BILLAH when the Angels say this,Allahs Throne will be Lifted and......Will continue later
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 13:24:52 +0000

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