THE DAY OF LORD BUDDHA’S FIRST SERMON IN SARNATH, VARANASI AND THE AUSPICIOUS BIRTHDAY OF HIS HOLINESS GYALWA DRIGUNGPA, CHETSANG Buddha Shakyamuni, our most beloved teacher turned his first Wheel of Dharma on this day, about 2513 years ago. He introduced the Four Noble Truths to many devoted students including his excellent disciples, the Five Bhikkshus. The significant journey from a kingdom to a dense forest, leaving his luxury mansion, goddess wife and beautiful son behind, was a sacrifice one had ever committed in practice of seeking the meaning of life, truth. His Holiness the Gyalwa Drigungpa, Chetsang Just like Buddha Shakyamuni purposely chosen a king and a queen as his parents in order to restraint the disparagement of the orthodox people in a well conserved Hindu society in ancient India when he was to renounces the world in search of TRUTH. So did His Holiness the Gyalwa Drigungpa choosing an aristocrat family in Lhasa, Tibet and a birth day that is observed by the whole Buddhist world as a special event. According to the life account of previous holiness, Zhiwai Lotus, he is said to have had prayed to be born in a higher family so he can use the dignity, privilege, respect as a tool to benefit living beings with different disposition just like Buddha did. These auspicious signs resulted by the powerful prayers he made, makes him what he is and who he is known for. HIS BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Hundreds of Monks and lay devotees gather at the Lamayuru Phodrang to witness the auspicious occasion today. We, Lamayuru Monastery and people are so blessed for presiding over by His Holiness himself over this grand occasion of his birthday. Pictures of the event will be posted. Your Holiness, Very Happy Birthday! Please, live long life for the benefit of all migrant beings.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 10:14:18 +0000

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