THE DAY THE LOGAN-SPENCER COUPLES MAY HAVE CHANGED FOREVER.. By Evan, aka BB4Life We have seen some of this play out before – Hope and Liam reacting without communicating, Katie telling Bill that she is stronger than he gives her credit for, and Brill attempting to disguise their disgusting relationship in fabricated fun and goofiness. However, after five or six months of B&B being as boring and misguided as ever through the Logan-Spencer train, it just seemed that some things may have changed starting today – the trajectory of these story lines have new paths and important things were said and done that change the landscape. Without an influx of Forrester blood and Forrester-driven story lines, it may be for naught over the long haul, but frankly, the foundations of doing the best with what is currently there may have begun to form today. Batie’s relationship has been altered. Although Katie still looks at circumstances as a supreme loss for some reason, she is determined to turn the company around and run it her way while Bill is determined to cut all ties he has with the SP’s future. At this point, outside of Will, Katie and Bill can have as much to do with each other’s lives as they want. They no longer have a company or a marriage holding them together. While I am not naive enough to believe that Katie and Bill will be permanently out of each others orbit, there was an eerie type of closure to Batie when Bill left that office today. While Brill is just as repulsive as ever, they too have seemed to move on. Brill is no longer being written as a hidden affair or a relationship just getting itself going. Regardless of how fans feel about it, Brill is now moving forward as a couple standing on their own merits. I hate to admit it, but this couple is far more popular than many of us would like to admit or can hardly even believe. With that said, while I did not find Brill any more appealing than normal today, I did find them to be more the story line than a subplot in Batie’s marriage. It is clear that Brill is here to stay for a while. Steam changed in a couple significant ways today that brings closure to this couple for the foreseeable future. Until if and when JMW comes back, this couple is a relative non-option for the writers regardless of its popularity. The fact that Steam is still such a massive part of the story line in general just goes to show how popular they are and how important they were to the fans, writers, and story line. However, it needs to be accepted that although Liam loves and cares for Steffy and that those feelings will never go away, Steam is in the past for Liam. This is a frank reality at this point. There was a time where if Steffy came back, Liam would have jumped to her in a heartbeat. Just recently, that has changed. Liam has fond memories and love for Steam, but the video was closure to him. It allowed him to reflect on what he shared with Steffy and move on. His clear declarations to Bill, Steffy, and Brooke today that he loved Steffy, that his marriage to Steffy meant a lot to him, that everybody needs to recognize what Steffy lost and what she has given to them all, and that Steffy is not to be the scapegoat for any of the current mess sends a powerful and clear message – he is comfortable enough now with a Hope future and a Steffy past that he does not need to worry about what he feels or says regarding Steffy anymore. In his opinion, it doesn’t change the current situation regardless of what a strong connection he and Steffy shared and still do share – their time, for now at least, has passed because Steffy decided that for them and Liam has begun to accept Steffy’s choice. Liam loves Steffy, she will always be a part of his life, and those facts do not change, even though he is finally ready to move on fully with Hope. In Liam’s mind, he can forever love Steffy and their time together while also fully committing to Hope. Hott was always a flirtatious option, but today it became VERY, VERY real. The intensity and passion that Hope and Wyatt shared is unrivaled by anything we have seen between anyone since Steam’s honeymoon time. Wyatt gave Hope his entire self, telling her she did not need to share him with Steffy. Hope literally dove in to kiss Wyatt, showing him that Hott was something she also wanted. Hope has never displayed the unrivaled passion and desire that she showed with Wyatt today. Hott went from being a possibility and an option to a full blown reality. Hope openly cheated on Liam today with another man – that is unchartered territory, even in the mess that is the Lope relationship. Hope told Wyatt she didn’t want to stop him and made it clear she did not want him to leave her. And what is potentially even more important – Brooke pushed for Wyatt as an option for Hope while telling Liam that she is sick and tired of the failures that keep making Lope fall apart. Brooke’s support for Lope and Liam have all but disappeared and do not underestimate what Quinn, Brooke, and Bill being anti-Lope can become for Hott. When Liam walked in that door and saw Wyatt and Hope making out, Lope may have finally gotten the final nail in their coffin. Lope has always thrived on this fantasy of pure and fairy tale love that only Hope and Liam bought in to. After today, not even they can buy into the foundation of their romance anymore. Let me be clear about a few things. First, Hope certainly has a right to be angry about the video Liam sent to Steffy because it shoves right in her face a hard reality that she does not want to accept – Liam’s marriage to Steffy was real, he was in love with Steffy, and he does not regret their time together as some mistake or manipulation. Second, Hope put herself into this situation after trying to destroy Steam’s marriage, dance on the grave of Steam’s baby, and forcing Liam to make commitments he was not ready for. Third, although Hope has a right to be angry, what Liam did is hardly “unforgivable” or in and of itself a reason to end the engagement without talking it over first. This is how Hope and Lope operate, though. Hope cannot handle Liam’s indefinite connection to Steffy and there is an argument to be made that she shouldn’t have to deal with it. The issue for Lope today is Hope openly cheated on Liam. Hope openly told him that she took her ring off. Liam was clearly frustrated with what has saw as Hope’s continued and repeating childish behavior, which has always made him miserable, evidenced with, “I can’t believe you are doing this again.” They are now at a point where the reality of what they have become has set in – Liam’s love for Steffy, but his ability to move on from it enough to commit to Hope is not enough for Hope, while Hope’s ability to find a man who does not have any Steffy baggage is too tempting and powerful for Liam to match up against. Lope’s fantasy, their foundation, their supposed “it was always somebody against Hope who made us fall apart” mentality is broken and gone even in Lope’s eyes. Today is the day the Logan-Spencer dynamic may have changed forever. It may not be clear to everybody just yet, but when we look back and wonder when it really was that Lope and Batie died as the longtime Spencer-Logan couples and were replaced by Hott and Brill as the fans and writers’ choice – well, today may be that day. Stay Bold and Beautiful everybody – Hott and Brill are here to stay and the return of Forrester blood is not far around the corner – the dynamics of the show are changing once more. Whether it is for the better, for the worst, or a bit a both – that is for you to decided and comment on below. I look forward to all of your responses and hope that you appreciate my realistic take on it all.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 05:00:11 +0000

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