THE DAY WE ALL FEAR or HOW TO SURVIVE A LAYOFF / DOWNSIZING.................................... I was working late that Sunday evening and at about 9:30 my office phone rang. My manager was calling to ask if I could come to the office early the next morning. I knew what the call was about and my heart sank! I explained that I had a business appointment the next morning at 8, but would be glad to meet with him at 6:30. When I got home my wife, Cindy who was 7 months pregnant, greeted me with her beautiful smile. After I told her of the phone call I could see the fear sweep across her face. We did not sleep well that night! The next morning I was greeted by my manager, district manager and a member of the personal department. I was told that I had been selected to participate in the employee separation program and that if I signed on the dotted line I would be awarded a generous separation package. No job, a two year old son, an expecting wife and all of the typical American trappings like a house mortgage and car payment. What to do? I walked out of the building with a grin on my face! You see, I had spent years building my own home-based marketing business and was actually making more than enough to work from home full-time. The date was December 7, 1992 and Ive never looked back! Leon McKee DONT SETTLE FOR LESS THAN YOUR DREAMS! START NOW TO EARN ONLINE ! OPEN A NEW FREE STORE ONLINE here
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 15:07:08 +0000

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