THE DEADLIFT IS KING! At Legion Fitness we love Deadlifts. The - TopicsExpress


THE DEADLIFT IS KING! At Legion Fitness we love Deadlifts. The Deadlift is King as its one of the most important moves for total body strength and muscle development. It builds strength from “head to toe”, improves athletic performance, “fires” up your metabolism, increasing lean body mass and decreasing body fat. The deadlift delivers a potent hormonal “punch” to the body as well as working your Core and your Posterior Chain. My recent visit to the physio had her suggesting that we train our clients Posterior Chain (Hamstings, Glutes and Back) twice as much as the muscles of the Anterior (Quads, Abs and Chest) in an attempt to strengthen the muscles that get less use in daily life and most training routines. Interestingly, the deadlift use to be called “The Health Lift” which is a better description than its more modern name if you ask us. This functional movement is the safest and most efficient way to lift an object from the ground up. Legion Fitness Living Top Deadlift Technique Tips: • Grasp the bar using an alternate grip for a stronger grip. • Keep your shoulders back and chest up and inflated with your spine neutral (at 45 degree angle to perpendicular). • Keep the bar close to your legs when lifting with the bar travelling straight up and down for the greatest efficiency. The most efficient way from point A to point B is a straight line. • Keep torso’s angle constant with your hips and shoulder rising at the same rate when the bar is below your knees. As opposed to straightening your legs first. • Sit back and keep your weight on your heels. Push through your heels as opposed to the balls of your feet. How does your maximum deadlift weight compare to this Deadlift Level Assessment Chart? The figures are referring to the % of your bodyweight: Males/Females Novice
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 00:28:47 +0000

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