THE DECEPTION OF ANTICHRIST SYSTEM: TAKING A GOOD HARD LOOK AT IT FROM A MODERN DAY AND BIBLICAL POINT OF VIEW Lions and tigers and bear… oh my! Oh wait… that’s a demon and he’s building a stairway to heaven! Having a deliverance ministry, Abby and I deal with the demonic quite a bit… a lot more than people might actually believe. So, we know they are really… really real. But most people have a hard time believing in the reality of demons… to most people, they are just storylines for scary movies. Well, the people who are manipulating and controlling world governments believe in them, so that should cause us to pay attention. The low to mid- level personnel may believe they may be talking to aliens or even benevolent angels, but the elite, know exactly who they are talking to. That is why they have Lucis Trust at the U.N. building in New York As I mentioned previously, the New Age Movement has several books that are for all intent and purpose biblical in their perceived holiness and standing in the new age theater. And you might be saying, well books are just books. But that is not true. Books are acted upon and are intended to educate. As Christians, if we truly want to know God, we are to read the entire bible, and we are suppose to attempt to live out what it instructs us in the ways of God’s morality and standards, along with what the Holy Spirit reveals to us, concerning our inner man, and we are to impart that understanding to others. The Jews do the same with the Torah, just as all religions do. A written law establishes a baseline or plumbline. Deviate from it and you have changed the standard. The new age is no different. It may ebb and flow but it does have its baselines if you know where to look. Abby and I recently went to and walked through a new age conference. She had never been to one and she wanted to experience it firsthand. There were a few minor cosmetic changes made from the last time I had been to one, but in general, this conference looked pretty much the same as the one I went to about 10 years earlier. It was in speaking to the people that I noticed the biggest difference. The change I noticed most was this… if you would have put most of these people inside a church building and engaged them in conversation; you could have easily mistaken them for Christians. There was a lot of biblical terminology being used. They were using terms such as father, ancient of days, Christ, messiah, believers, Melchizedekian priesthood, kings and priests, prophets, salvation and redeemed, among other terms we as believers use. They were speaking so much ‘christianese’ it was unnerving. Satan takes the truth and subtly twists it. That has been proven to be the most effective lies. Put in just enough truth, it has a smack of reality, then twist it. That is how the father of lies does it. Staying in line with how Satan works, if you are not completely grounded in scripture I caution you against going to those events or even reading any of the books we talk about until you and our Father are firmly intimate with eachother through His Word AND His Spirit. Satan is the father of lies and is very proficient at seducing. The new age crowd uses a lot of Christian speak, I believe to purposely confuse and draw young people in Christ away from the true faith. They have the terms of: his kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, brotherhood of Light, office of Christ, Father of Lights, Father, Father’s grace, fallen race, redeemable, Jesus, angels , fallen beings, prophets, priests, priesthood, The ancient of Day’s, Melchizedekian priests… they have all these terminologies I have previously always considered Judeo-Christian terminologies. There are what can be referred to as “power lines” around the world… maybe like lines of stronger magnetic fields. Supposed phenomenon activity does seem to back up this claim. What I mean by that, is, unexplained phenomenon seems to happen around these type of places at a more frequent rate, according to many reports. Cultists and New agers have, for thousands of years held to that belief of these power lines wrapped around the world, converging on special places and they call them, Ley Lines. Abby and I used to live at such a place that was considered a powerful ley line by cultists and new agers. Is there any truth to this or is it all hocus pocus? I don’t know. I didn’t really feel anything different when I lived at the supposed ley line house. What I do know, is that Satan’s lies are usually not straight out lies, they are mixed with enough truth to be persuasive. So if he is telling the cultists and the new agers that there is something to these lines, then there might be… just not what he is telling them. Jacob saw angel’s ascending and descending from heaven in a specific place. Could it have been one of these type of places? Maybe… maybe not… I don’t know. My point is… new agers including the people behind the new world order firmly believe in ley lines. Keeping that in mind, there are new age stories of places like Ayer’s Rock or Pine Gap, one of them is supposedly a type of dimensional doorway, and there are rumors that say, communication with ‘alien’ beings, similar to what happened in the movie ‘close encounters of the third kind’ have happened there and continue to happen there on a fairly consistent basis, and that was the actual basis for the movie. It is also said, that there are 12 specially created ‘portals’ like in the movie stargate (understand that these stories, have been around for decades longer than the movies have) being used by these so-called ‘aliens’. My understanding is that the so-called aliens (that are in reality demons) are telling the elite, that these portals will be used for the elite to be able to escape the ‘wrath to come’. These are all talked about in a type of ‘tell-all’ book by a new age guru who claims a glorious being named Enoch appeared to him one night while he was praying and told him about all these special places. So obviously, he had to write a book about his encounter with this demon whom he equated to a grand majestic and god like being. His book is called The keys of Enoch, the Book of knowledge. Strangely enough, when the guy starts naming places, it seems like he names a lot more than 12 places. Maybe, I’m just not understanding him. Isn’t it peculiar though, that he mentions 12 ‘stargate’ type of things, and the kingdom of heaven has 12 gates with great pearls as the doors. And that we are believers after the order of Melchizedek, and the elite new age movement has their own priesthood of Melchizedek. Wow… talking about counterfeiting. By the way, all these ley line are suppose to connect in a grid pattern to the pyramids in Egypt and other places like Stonehenge and some historic churches. God says in scripture, that He intends to redeem Egypt though, so it stands to reason, Satan would want to make a satellite-base of operations there. The bottom line is, many people in our government, whether on a local, state or federal level, are indeed in the occult. All these occult leaders work for the same agenda and same end goals, even though they might not know it specifically. There is a game plan and they are just following instructions. If our top leaders are talking to demons sometimes on a daily basis, and think that they are talking to some advanced being, then we are really in a dire situation. They have been deceived, whether willingly or unknowingly. And we (the inhabitants of earth) will reap the consequences of their deception. The majority of the world will follow them according to scripture. So, here’s is a question: If these leaders can so enthusiastically talk to their demons on a daily basis, why is it so hard for us to talk to our Father daily? At some point, Satan is given the power to overcome the saints and to kill them through his vast army network. Whether we live or die it is Yahshua who protects us according to His promise in Revelation 3. If we are going to live, shouldn’t we live well? If we are going to die… shouldn’t we die well? If you deny Yahweh and Yahshua, Satan will reward you and let you live… If we are pursuing Yahweh, and pursuing our consecration process we are becoming clothed in His glory. We are truly becoming Christ like. How can we not want to be intimate with Him? Stephen was the first recorded martyred Christian. It was recorded that while he was dying his face took on the look of the face of an angel… that is God’s protection. It is recorded time and time again, in Fox’s book of martyrs how faithful Christians in the process of death became peaceful and exclaimed they could see Jesus, or angels coming for them. There has been interview after interview with occultist involved in human sacrifice who said they could see spiritual beings show up when they were killing Christians. Not to stop them but to escort the deceased righteous spirit into the presence of God. There is also the kind of protection that can keep us alive in a ‘fiery furnace’ ordeal. I have every intention of living well for God… but I am preparing myself, to die well for Him also. I do not want to be a beggar, begging for my life, nor a coward, not standing up for my faith and my relationship to my Father. I do not want to deny Yahshua before men. If I am forced to choose between Satan and Yahweh, It is my intention that I will have the strength to stand on God’s promise in Revelation 3:10. To those who are faithful and endure to the end, He will protect within a sphere of Danger, and I will die well. But.. until that time comes… I will preach the Gospel and expand the Kingdom of God! Have you made up your mind what you will do? Be prepared, not fearful.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 10:47:41 +0000

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