THE DEED IS DONE ... Location facebook/ DATE - TopicsExpress


THE DEED IS DONE ... Location facebook/ DATE July 2014 Ive been asked to write a bit about SFPSFC and how we started by a lady wanting to put an article together for magazines. Anyone knowing me knows how difficult I find this as I’m dyslexic and find putting words on paper very difficult, but here goes. About me. My name is Jane Jibb I’m 60 years old, a grandmother and great grandmother. My skills are my hands. I knit, sew and until recently cross stitched though this I can no longer do as my health is failing. Until 2000 I worked as a volunteer assistant in a now closed special needs school in York in my spare time I made clothing and bibs for the children, some with profound needs. About SFPSFC (Stitch for Pleasure Stitch for Charity) SFPSFC is a charity crafting group making quilts from donated cross stitched squares. We are not a registered charity. We are self funding and we rely on donations. Our quilts go to sick and needy children all around the world. We have now made over 400 quilts some of these have gone to an orphanage in Lesotho Africa. Other quilts have gone to young children suffering life threatening illness called Neuroblastoma. This is a rare childhood cancer that has a very high chance of relapse. SFPSFC was started in 2006 after a group of pen friends and I began to cross stitch. At that time we were going to make quilts for children who attended a special needs school in York but being pen friends meant that it was going to take us too long to complete each quilt. My brother kindly gave me his old computer and got me started on the internet in late 2006. I set up my first group on Yahoo but it very quickly became evident that this wasnt going to work as we had too many people interested in helping, so in 2007 a group member who was technically minded set me up another group. This too became too complicated for me to handle and I decided that my only other option was to set up a group on Face book. We now have a following of over 1,400 “liker’s” some of whom stitch and send stitch cross stitched squares for us to make in to quilts. These quilts are given to the children free of charge. Moving stories... far too many to mention. Ive been to Africa and met the children of Rachel’s Place Orphanage. Ive visited the townships and met children who have nothing. Children in the UK quite often die from Neuroblastoma which is difficult for everyone. Some are buried in their quilts. Some children take them into hospital and others use them daily. Just knowing that these children are comforted in some small way is enough for me. I cannot make these children better or help them get treatment overseas, but I can wrap them in our love. This means a lot to me, my group members and to the families of the children. Questions How does stitching make a difference in people’s lives? Stitching relaxes people. They often tell me that stitching for charity makes them feel good. They get to do a hobby that they enjoy and they get to help wrap a sick or needy child in our love via a quilt, which in turn comforts the children. The children love their quilts and some take them in to hospital with them. Me, I get the satisfaction of knowing that I’m wrapping the children in our love. Do you have any tips for people who might want to use their stitching for a good cause? This is a difficult one for me...I personally find that non stitchers don’t know the true value of a cross stitched or quilted piece and many are not prepared to pay the going price for items that have taken many hours to make. We don’t sell our quilts but they do cost a lot of money to make. Many people prefer to send squares rather than donate money. I can understand this but this doesnt help us purchase fabrics or pay postage. I am so grateful to the people who do help us by sponsoring our quilts we honestly couldnt carry on without their support. Some of our members work very very hard to fund raise so that we have the money to complete and post our quilts. They hold stalls at fetes and fairs. One lady has twice put on her walking boots for us and her children have made bookmarks and fridge magnets to sell at school fetes to raise funds for us. I’m shattered and emotional, Too much for me to put on paper, too many tears, too many angels. I cannot explain my love and my gratitude to all of my friends my admin team and followers for all that they have done for me and for SFPSFC THANK YOU hugs n love from auntyjane xxx
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 11:30:27 +0000

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