THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT;BUT DID HE? I am sure you all missed - TopicsExpress


THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT;BUT DID HE? I am sure you all missed me,I missed reading your comments; Yes I have been a bit busy but honestly that wasnt the whole story. I couldnt write Because I would feel like I was an hypocrite;and thats one thing I am not! You remember my last article that spoke about my husband and I never arguing in front of the children? Yes I had to eat my words few days after the article. Daddy Adeboye always says after every victory thats when you need to pray more. So we had our first big argument and it was in front of the children. It was a bit heated; God I was so upset,angry at my hubby, myself and the devil. So for few days I didnt speak to my hubby;yes Sista Bola did that? I wasnt keeping malice with him,I was just mute towards him LOL!. We slept on the same bed that night as usual, made breakfast for him in the morning, washed his underwear and made dinner;but I was mute towards him.LOL! After the first day; I wanted so badly to talk to him but I just had to pretend that I was still upset; and trust men, he was busy being the don. Anyway the morning after the argument I walked to the store to get some sausage;before I came back hubby started some damage control with the children;he told them of how much he loves me and that no argument can ever lead to us separating. So after he left for work; my daughter ;the bold and blunt one;just like me said mamma, I dont understand you and Papa; you argued like that yesterday and you both slept on the same bed? You havent spoken to each other this morning and he is telling us of how much he loves you and you are making breakfast as if its Christmas ; we arent babies mamma;both of you are doing bad man ( a slang they picked up in Lagos, I think it means being nonchalant ) This is what happens, when a couple loves each other too much;then she turned to her brother and said Bobo come lets go play candy crush,soon all we will hear is baby,yes mamma! As they went into their room I froze in disbelieve, then shame but also out of love. My hubby loves me and I love him too,no doubt and also because my children are grown! Jesus! Why am I always this honest with my readers? its because I dont want you to beat yourself up when you make any mistake, I dont ever want you to think your spiritual fathers or mothers are on the same level with the trinity,We make mistakes but not all of us have the boldness to admit it, and these might make our followers or spiritual children tend to always pretend that all is well. This can be dangerous; it might lead to a double life or even people leaving the kingdom of God. I will never allow that to happen to anyone, never! Not on my watch! I had the will to shut my mouth when the argument started but I didnt; It was a choice I made and I had to live with it. Those few days was hell for me, I also spoke in monotone to hubby, it was like, food? Eba? rice,spaghetti? ? Breakfast? Dinner?Yes or no? Come on! It takes more strength to be angry with someone. In all these I found out I was really angry at myself for not taking charge of my emotions so I needed to be angry at hubby but I was more mad with the devil for trying to steal my testimony of no argument before the children. So beloved you arent your mistakes, in marriage arguments happen, the only thing that will never come into our home in Jesus name is any kind of physical abuse;so if your wife or your husband beats you,talk to someone about it and seek help. As a children of God we are all striving for perfection,so any day you think you have arrived;be careful the devil is just round the corner to send you on another road trip. The good news is that God has since delivered me from being muted;LOL! Dont ask me who or what broke the silence but one thing I can tell you is that being in love is the best· So the next time someone comes to you for a piece of advise;dont judge the person,show a bit of empathy and dont pretend that you arent as vulnerable if not for the mercies of Jesus. Read 2 Cor. 12 and you will see what my good friend Apostle Paul said. For us not to think highly of ourselves God allows a thorn in the flesh;yes but His grace is sufficient. So I leave you with this today Love covereth a multitude of sin Jesus loves you,find your way back to him. For my married brethren ;tell your spouse how much you love him or her. For the unmarried abeg tell Jesus how much you love him.LOL! Your own spouse is around the corner. Amen! Love you all;My name is Sista Bola and honestly its true! Thank God its Friday!Shalom! !!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 10:43:10 +0000

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