THE DEVILS GAME PLAN 2015 : (Paris Jan. 7th 2015) If the - TopicsExpress


THE DEVILS GAME PLAN 2015 : (Paris Jan. 7th 2015) If the deplorable Newsweek cover article last December attacking the Bible & putting down Christians was the Devils Christmas present, then the events of Paris from Jan. 7th is evidently his New Years message. It cannot be just coincidence this follows hot on the heels of the Newsweek piece; these are connected. They are parts of the ongoing process in Satans agenda to set up the world-order of the Antichrist. In that Order, its the Christians & Jews who are public enemy # 1. The media pundits are now in full swing to pump the line of Islamic fundamentalists. The purpose here is to create the perception that fundamentalism is evil, and the enemy of mankind. The so called War on Terror is going towards the War on Fundamentalism. That means ALL fundamentalism. Christian fundamentalism is the other name for Bible Believing Christians, which simply means a Christian who truly believes the Bible is the perfect, inspired Word of God. They are Born Again Christians who take Jesus at His word, and endevour to follow Him in this world. It is these Fundamentalist Christians who stand in the way of the Antichrist system of the last days; and it is they who must be painted by the Antichrist world as the troublers of mankind; those who stand in the way of progress. They stubbornly will not capitulate to anti-God humanism or occult pagan religion of the Elite (Luciferianism). Notice in Revelation 12:17 its not the Moslems or Bhuddists etc. who the Devil persecutes, but the Christians & the Jews. See, Eishenwald of Newsweeks article was not slamming Christians per se, but FUNDAMENTAL Christians; and the idea that the Bible is the perfect, error free Word of God (especially the King James). It is a mistake to assume that the answer to the evil of pure Islamic Jihadism as witnessed in Paris is the policy of the government. Why? Because the government is also controlled & directed by Satan, the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4 / Luke 4:5-6) It is not JUST Islam which the Devil is using; he is a puppet master controlling all sides, playing one off against the other, to create chaos for the Devils man to step up & declare the solution; which solution is the global iron fisted rule of the Antichrist : Revelation 13. The Media, owned by the luciferian global elite, will trumpet the evils of fundamentalism. When all is set in place, it will be decreed a Capitol offence to be a fundamentalist, of ANY kind. They will be labelled extremists; haters; intolerant. The West condemns Islamic terrorism, but notice they dont condemn the religion of Islam itself, the root cause of Jihad. Why not? Because it serves the purpose of the New World Order globalist agenda : to have mayhem & chaos so as to impliment draconian laws to protect us. Notice now the media pundits are joining with the goverment officials to advocate strict measures of control & surveillance for ALL; not just the few suspect watch lists. Thats the plan all along : to set up a global control apparatus, ushering in the world-government of Antichrist. Its purpose : to corner the fundamental Christians. The Devil is orchestrating the whole thing, on all sides. It may seem they are presently opposed to each other, but when the time comes, like Pilate & Herod who though they were enemies became friends the day they condemned Christ, the different factions of mankind will unite behind the Man of sin to stamp out the Bible believing Christians - People of the Book. What to do, then? I do not pick up an AK47 & start shooting in defense. No. I live out true, fundamental Bible believing Christianity. Real Fundamental Christianity is this : To believe, follow & obey the Lord Jesus Christ, by His Word the Holy Bible. It is to love my enemies; It is to forgive; To show mercy; To help the weak, the sick, and the poor; To share the good news of Gods redemptive grace by the Cross; To take up the Cross, deny yourself & follow Jesus, even unto death, gladly singing Amazing Grace how sweet the sound even as they put your head in the guillotine (Revelation 20:4). It is not t passively lay down in front of the tanks of the butchers wether they be Jihadists, or Nazi governments. If an axe maniac was coming at my family I would shoot them down. But when they corner us, and take us captive for Jesus sake, I follow Jesus & testify of His grace & Lordship to the end. The Jihadists of Islam are about blind submission, hate & violence. The globalists of the West are about occult, humanistic satanism (My will); Catholicism is pagan idolatry dressed up as imperial Christianity; Liberal, Emergent church is unbelief & denial, and carnal lust of the flesh pretending to be Christianity. Bible Christianity, as seen in the book of Acts through Revelation, is the real. Its the people of the Book. The Book is the Word : the Word is Jesus (John 1:1) True believers give their life for that Word : Revelation 6:9, KJV
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 22:28:29 +0000

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