THE DEVOURING WOLVES Matthew 7:15: ...which come to you in - TopicsExpress


THE DEVOURING WOLVES Matthew 7:15: ...which come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. I was talking to a big sister sometime ago, who has been having bitter experiences in her marriage; she said: Funmibi, I did not marry my husband...If I had access to the Truth like most of you do today, maybe I would have done things right. Look at me now, I know my purpose but how do I fulfil it when there is no peace in my home...See me looking older than my age, only one catering for my children...This wasnt his real self when we were in courtship...He really impressed me....but now, things have gone so bad that we hardly talk for like a month, though living in the same house; Is anything as killing as this? I regret the day I married him...How do I train my children in this kind of home, having to grow up with a wrong notion about men, not feeling the warmth or love of a Father....Im thinking of filing for a divorce.... Hmmm, Its indeed not a good story to share; but I know that the MERCY of God Almighty has spoken for her and He will replace her shame with Joy in JESUS NAME-AMEN. Please lets remember her in our prayers, she really needs Gods intervention at a time like this!!! Are you scared? NO, dont be! We also have people with sweet stories and wonderful testimonies to share about how they waited and obeyed Gods will when He revealed him/her and how they are enjoying more than what they even expected! Isnt it surprising that some people think the deceitful ones or devils agents are only found outside the church and not within the church? It may interest you to know that both the sheep and goat are in the church! Its high time we stopped being carried away by titles or the so-called gifts a man displays; Its beyond that! So many sistas and bros are just in church to get their target; and most of them can pretend for years as long as they still finally get down their targets! MAY YOU AND I NOT BE THEIR VICTIMS in Jesus name-Amen. As singles, we should beware of wolves in sheeps clothing! They are everywhere! Their aim is not really to serve God but just to pretend to get a godly partner! So many of them are being used by the devil to thwart the destinies of people and destroy lives! Of course, there are still godly and sincere children of God today, but It takes the Spirit of God to really discern the good from the evil! The gift of discerning of spirits is a gift that every child of God needs to desire/long for. Also, when God reveals His will to some, they feel their getting married to such person is to do such person a favour: TOTALLY WRONG! You are both doing yourselves good by obeying Gods will. Of course, God will not force any one to obey His will, but if anyone refuses/rebels; theres always a replacement! May we not be replaced in Gods original plan in Jesus name-Amen. My dear brothers/sisters, how many of us can see/read/know the heart of man? None, except via the Spirit of God! Let us not be in a haste to go after any man/woman! Lets follow the leading of the Holy Spirit! He is ready to guide us! Psalm 32:8: I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. Lets allow God lead us. Lets be careful of the kind of places we go to for prayers! Lets beware of false prophets and so-called star readers, beware of manipulations! Lets grow to hear God ourselves, He is willing to speak to us; lets stop being lazy! Feed on the Word daily, pray consistently, grow our Spirit man, and endeavour to walk in Holiness! Merciful Father, this day, for as many of our dear single brother/sisters that have fallen into this trap and are in wrong relationships, we pray that you will deliver them and bring them out of every wrong relationships founded on deceit in Jesus name; and per adventure, if anyone of them is already married, we pray that You will intervene on their behalf and please let Your mercy prevail over judgment! To the waiting singles, we pray that You will order our steps to the right man/woman after Your heart; and by the power of Your resurrection, frustrate every plan of the devil over our lives; all these we ask in JESUS NAME-AMEN! Funmibi Cares but GOD CARES MORE!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 09:10:14 +0000

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