THE DIABOLICAL FRUIT OF SLANDEROUS HYPER-POLEMICS This is what happens when lies are repeatedly told about a particular position you supposedly hold, that in fact you do NOT hold. This person, Kaleb Patrick Lippert is a new Catholic, I believe (and an altar server), whose mind is being filled with this bilge. This is the delightful, oh-so-charitable note he sent to me in a PM before blocking me: We cant [sic] be friends anymore. What your [sic] doing is Heresy. Bye bye you evil witch Isnt that lovely? Look at the fruits of polemics that go on. This is not the spirit of Christ. He made no attempt to hear my side. He gave me no benefit of the doubt, no charity. He was judge and jury, and doesnt even have the proper facts of the matter to make an informed decision. I thought it was important to show my readers what results from lies being told; not to defend myself (I get attacked on a weekly; often daily basis), but rather, to learn to not listen to those who have adopted a fanatical attitude to the faith. For those who want to know the truth about what I believe, read the beginning portions of this collection of links: socrates58.blogspot/2014/12/calm-reasoned-rather-than-hyper.html
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 04:00:43 +0000

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