THE DIALECTICS OF HATRED AS MANKIND’S ALBATROSS “For never can true reconcilement grow, where wounds of deadly hate have pierced so deep” [JOHN MILTON-1608-1674] ‘PARADISE LOST’ Dialectical logicians in their anthropomorphic dissertations, corroborated by classical scholars in their Age of Reason and buttressed by the French enlightenment philosophers, agree that man is of great cerebral prolificity [Homo Multarum Litterarum - man of great learning]. But concurred that nature dealt an immedicabile vulnus (irreparable injury) on man through the base instinct of HATRED. Hatred is a passive or active expression and feeling of arrant dislike for something or somebody. It is extreme aversion, intense animosity, vehement malignity, enmity, malice, malevolence, bitter abhorrence and resentment. But hatred is an instinctive and base infusion by nature which can only be marginally controlled by deep reverence for God, sound education, mind training, civilizational traits and self-implosion. Hence, Henry W. Longfellow [1807-1882] posited in his book “NATURE” that “so Nature deals with us and takes away our playthings one by one, and by the hand leads us to rest”. Hatred, silhouetted on the disposition of man, brings out the therioromorphic (beast-like) nature of man. The inability to control, husband, harness and manage hatred has led to unthinkably great disasters in relationships, horrendously ghoulish wars, profane perversions, World wars, Peloponnesian wars, 100 days war, the Nigeria/Biafra civil war, Middle-East war, Boko Haram’s terrorism, Ife – Modakeke, Ijaw/Itsekiri/Warri Urhobo unrest, Kokori, Ododegho , Plateau, Benin massacres are all partial fallouts of hatred. The tragedy of hate/hatred is that it has an adventitious and scandent growth. Hatred exponentially intensifies the growth and existence of hatred and murderously dangerous evil in our global community. Hence, our world is in apocalyptical topsy-turvydom with hatred growing with arithmetical to geometrical progression. We are all so cocooned in the dungeon of hatred, so much so that we cannot know the difference anymore. The essayist Cervantes (1547 - 1616) in his masterpiece “DON QUIXOTE” said “Love and War are the same thing, and stratagems and policy are as allowable in the one as in the other” what a shame! In the fifth chapter of the synoptic gospel as recorded by Saint Matthew, we read these very arresting words flowing from the lips of our Satyagraha, Supreme Sovereign and Generalissimo of the Cosmogony. JESUS THE CHRIST, ‘ye have heard that it has been said, “thou shall love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy’. But I say unto you, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you, that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven”. Certainly, some will quickly conclude that these theological effusions are humanly impossible to abide by. They claim that it is not just possible as they are the impracticable submissions of a quixotic clairvoyant, utopian dreamer and mere metaphysical abstractions. But we betray our ignorance about how God and the laws of Nature work. We are at birth impregnably fortified by a positive aura and the aura is consolidated by the verve, spirit and élan of forgiveness and the love and tolerance we give and show to others. But it is depreciated by hatred and evil works. The effulgent luminosity of powerful light shows from us and around us when we love, but the light turns into Erebus darkness when we hate making us vulnerable to attacks etc. Hatred, therefore betrays spiritual ignorance and a consumate manifestation of bestial intuitivity. Jesus is love and all the Great Grand Masters (GGM) preached, practiced and imbibed the concept of love. The light of Mohandas Ghandi, Martins Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela and Chief P.A Gbinije etc will glow eternally because they gave love and forgiveness to a world full of hate. Martins Luther King Jr. observed in his didactic speech, titled “LOVING YOUR ENEMIES” delivered on November 17, 1957 that “we will be able to matriculate into the university of eternal life because, we had the power to love our enemies, to bless those persons that curse us, to even decide to be good to those persons who hated us, and we even prayed for those persons who despitefully used us”. Napoleon Bonaparte at a very young age virtually conquered the world until his feat was truncated by Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo. But that same great Napoleon one day stood back and looked across the years, and said “Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne and I have built great empires, but upon what did they depend? They depended upon force. But long ago Jesus started an empire that depended on LOVE and even to this day millions will die for him” Our world is bemused and befuddled by lycanthrophical hatred and lovelessness notwithstanding the plenitude of ethical philosophers sermonizing Priests, Pastors, Churches, Mosques, Altars, Shrines, the United Nations, African Union, ECOWAS, Arab League, ASEAN etc. They have all become mawkish bugaboos and hogwash institutions, because there is no sincerity of purpose of LOVE with them and amongst them. Our world is cascading down the gedarene precipice, because of the self-induced syndrome of Mutually Agreed Destruction (MAD) through lovelessness and hatred amongst our common humanity. We must urgently supplant leadership inertia, greed, corruption, poverty, wickedness, religious bigotry, terrorism, tribalism, Lesbianism, Gayism and thievery with LOVE. We should not hate but love. The commentators C. Joy and Bell C. posited that “If you want to forget something or someone, never hate it, or never hate him/her. Everything and everyone that you hate is engraved upon your heart, if you want to let go something, if you want to forget, you cannot hate”. Finally, hate is like a poisonous double-edged sword. It corrodes the core essence and soul of the hater and the hated. It certainly destroys the nucleus of our cerebral virtuosity and spiritual immaculacy. Hate at any point in time is a cancer that gnaws away at the foundational root of our lives and existence. It is like a corroding acid that wears away the base of our common humanity and the best in us. Let us deracinate the roots of hatred not only from grass root level, but from root hair base to tree top heights. Let’s shun hatred and imbibe love. CHIEF BOBSON GBINIJE MANDATE AGAINST POVERTY (MAP) WARRI- 08023250378
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 11:07:55 +0000

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