THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FIQH, AQEEDAH AND MANHAJ FIQH (understanding) is literally knowledge in rulings of the Shariah from specific evidences. It deals with whats halaal and haraam, and only concerns those things which are acted upon. It has nothing to do with issues of belief. Sources of Fiqh should come only from the Quran and the Authentic Sunnah, and from the principles derived from the Quran and the Sunnah. It encompasses acts such as how to perform Salaah, pay Zakaah, etc. Differing of opinion in Fiqh issues is permissible as long as the opinions come from the scholars and are founded upon authentic proof from the Quran and Sunnah.. The scholars of Sunnah have often differed in Fiqh rulings throughout history, however their Manhaj and Aqeedah never differ. ************** AQEEDAH (creed) is specifically that which is obligatory for every man and woman to believe concerning Allaah the Mighty and Majestic, and that which has come from Him concerning His Messengers and whatever His Messengers came with... as defined by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in the famous hadeeth which describes how Jibreel came to him and asked him about Islam etc.: Eemaan (faith) is to believe in Allaah, His angels, His Books, the meeting with Him on the Last Day, His Messengers, and the Day of Resurrection. There is only one Aqeedah in Islam, and therefore differing of opinion in matters of Aqeedah is not permissible. The scholars of the Sunnah are all unanimously agreed and united upon the Aqeedah of the Salaf as-Saalih. ************** MANHAJ (methodology) is a very broad term which refers to the approach taken in deriving the understanding of the Book and the Sunnah. It refers to the action based matters, and generally speaking it is used in relation to the affairs of dawah, rectification, correction, cultivation and so on. When we say manhaj we actually mean what is found in the Sunnah concerning the precise way that one ought to behave or act, or proceed in a given situation. For example, how do we understand the topic of Allaahs Names and Attributes? How do we extract rulings from the Book and the Sunnah? In each of these topics there are methodologies and courses of action. The Salaf have included aspects of this in their books, such as accepting the authentic narrations concerning Allaahs Attributes and not rejecting them, and the censure of the use of intellect and opinion concerning the Sunnah, etc.. Manhaj also deals with the affairs of dawah and what is connected to them. In contemporary times it is referred specifically to issues in which controversy has entered, such as rebellions, takfeer of the rulers, jarh (refutations) and tadeel (general praise), cooperation with innovators, and/or lenience towards them. This has occurred because political activist ideologies imported from the Kufaar have been wrongly brought in under the banner of Islaam. There are many mistakes and deviations in these methodologies that relate to dawah and rectification of the Ummah. These mistakes have been spread widely throughout the Muslim Ummah, and require tasfiyyah (removal of incorrect ideas) and tarbiyyah (re-education). To give some limited example of issues of manhaj: 1. How do you behave in the presence of tyrannical rulers? 2. How do you behave when people attack you in your home, such as the Khawaarij? Do you fight them, and then continue to chase after them and seek them out, or do you fight them only enough so as to repel them, and if they flee, then you leave them and refer the matter to the walee? 3. When you proceed upon calling people to Allaah, where do you begin? 4. How do you behave with the people of innovation? 5. How do you enjoin the good and forbid the evil? 6. Are demonstrations and riots means of changing rulers and are they from the manhaj of the Salaf? In light of that, when we speak about the manhaj and correcting ones manhaj and understanding the Salafi manhaj and the importance of knowing the manhaj and phrases such as these... then what is meant is knowing exactly what was the manhaj (way, methodology) of the Salaf in the various affairs subject to controversy - always returning to the original understanding held by the Salaf, and being exact and precise with respect to that, and implementing it. So if a particular path is in agreement with the Book and the Sunnah and the way of the Salaf us-Saalih, then this is a true Manhaj.. and if it is in opposition to that, then it is a corrupt Manhaj. The Aqeedah of a Muslim and his Manhaj are connected. When the Aqeedah is correct, then it follows that the Manhaj will also be correct. There is only one correct Manhaj, and that is the Manhaj of the Salaf as-Saalih. It is obligatory that every Muslim adhere to that Manhaj, and remain steadfast upon it. ************** And Allaah knows best.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 14:58:25 +0000

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