THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF WOMEN ON FACEBOOK: Having an ample time - TopicsExpress


THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF WOMEN ON FACEBOOK: Having an ample time to spend online especially on FACEBOOK, i have had a spy on ladies and found out smthng to share with ma fellow men. Follwng are the types of women you will encounter on facebook. 1-THE DISNEY: This woman will hv absolutely no photos of herself. All her photos will be of Disney princesses or random actors. She may put up an Edward Cullen photo & u realize that she is the spawn of Satan. There will b no photos of her. Most of her albums consist of photos of friends or random photos in which 45m pple hv been tagged(hehe). U will never see her face. If you chat up with her she will speak with u bt behind this shrouded veil that other humans refer 2 as a photo of Selena Gomez. U really wish she puts up more photos so u can catch a glimpse of her but it seems like her face does not exist at all. No matter hw hard u try ull never ever see hw she looks in real life, bt the mere fact that she likes Selena Gomez gives u enough reason 2 at least purchase a few Cyanide capsules b4 u meet her. 2-THE HOT ONE: OMG. She is so hot.There is no way she will ever b with u. Never. She is way out of ur league. She makes ur league look like the Sri Lankan Premier League. There is only one thng that u can do... Right Click & Save Image 4 later use. 3-THE PRETTY ONE: The pretty one will hv some of the most beautiful profile photos. Photos that make u stare & fall in love. Yaani everything is perfect except her grammar. Every photo has a terribly spelt caption. She will spell great as gr8 and nice as nyc. She will refuse 2 spell any word correctly or even show some inclination 2 read the dictionary. Even a decomposing pigeon will type out a better sentence than her. 4-THE HOGGER: The Hogger will take as many photos as she can 2 prove 2 the world that she exists. She will take uncountable photos in asecond & upload them all simultaneously also she will constantly update her Facebook status telling pple about how she is eating food n how she is crapping it minutes later. She will post every 10 seconds on ur wall making u believe that she has no friends or family. As much as u ignore her, u cant ignore her digital presence. She will like ur every photo and share ur ever post. 5-THE LIMITED RECLUSE: You wil never find her online. She will have only 3 photos that hv been uploaded, out of which 2 have been put up by her friends and one by an application that she accidently accessed. She will not post on ur wall or reply 2 any posts & never updates her status. She will hv somewhat of a limited profile and refuse to b friends with anyone. Technically speaking her profile is in avegetative state. Sooner or later, the good folks at Fb will euthanize it. 6-THE UGLY ONE: She is ugly as hell. Heck even Hell is prettier and hotter than her. Yet she is always hanging around pretty women n hence u hv her as a friend with the secret hope in mind that one day when u comment, one of her pretty friends will find u humorous & add u as a friend. 7-THE PERFECT ONE: The perfect one will be the one u desire. She will be pretty, smart n highly friendly. She will talk 2 u whenever u want. Never disappoints u with her replies n will be the perfect one 4 u. She is the girl of ur dreams and is the perfect person 2 talk 2 whenever u r bored. However, each one of them comes with an extra appendage called A BOYFRIEND. Secretly u wait 4 her 2 break up with him but u know it will never happen. You however go on with the rest of the crowd liking her photos hoping she sees the love in the multiple likes that u give her posts & comments. She never does!!. THE END:
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 12:28:29 +0000

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