~*~THE DO ABSOLUTELY FRACKING NOTHING SPIRIT SOCIETY.~*~ Reality Optional Economics Oilwell I Am In Double-Speak Freak. EMMA THOMPSON Supports RUSSEL BRANDs Revolution Call. The Dow Jones (Industrial Average) And The FTSE (Financial Time Stock Exchange Index) Are GEORGE ORWELLs Manipulated Double-Speak Its Revolutionary Not To Revolt. Loose Money (Double-Speak) Will Not Even Get You Equal BTUs (British Thermal Unit, Energy Unit) So Stand The Frack Back. The World Is A Financial Stage And Youre Forced To Act Along - End Of Act ONE. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MAX Interviews International Law Expert And Lecturer ROSLYN FULLER About The Democracy Delusion Revolution CICERO And More. The System Is Broken, Revolution On The Invisible Banksters, Democracy Delusion. The Government Of The People Are Not Doing The Peoples (Taxpayers) Bidding That Of Their Party Corporate Paymasters Which Is A De Facto Fascist Dictatorship Still Holding Up A Mask Of Democracy With A Tired Aching Hand Whilst Employing The Traits Of Tyranny With The Other Hand, And The Mask Is Being Lowered Incrementally As DAVID CAMERON Said In His U.N. Speech Anyone Questioning The Official STORY Is An Extremist. Surely That Statement Alone Signifies As To Whom The Extremist Actually Is. He Is An Extremist Towards Nullifying Freedom Of Speech As His Policies Are Trying To Nullify The Freedoms Of Speech Of The Press And Media. Democracy Is Not Won By Those Casting The Votes But By Those Who Count The Votes. WELCOME TO THE U.Ks DELUSIONAL DEMOCRACY.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 04:35:08 +0000

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