THE DOCTOR OR THE UNDERTAKER? BASIC SCRIPTURE:KINGS 12: 1-16 The doctors prepare you for life, while the undertaker( a person whose business is to organize burials), prepare you for a befitting burial. So, if you are sick for example, whom will you go to- the doctor or the undertaker? Likewise in life, who do you seek counsel from when in need? What are the things that inform your seeking an opinion from an individual? There is nothing wrong in seeking an opinion from people. However, the quality of counsel you get is crucial. No matter who you go to for counsel, Never forget to seek the exact mind of God on any issue. If you want the right kind of advice/ counsel, meet the right person, or read the right book/visit the right internet site. In today’s scripture the wrong counsel destroyed the destiny of a promising young king – Jeroboam. He went to an unqualified source ( the young men) to get counsel. Vs 8 declares that, “ He forsook the counsel of the old men and consulted with the young men that were grown up with him and which stood before him”. What a tragedy! Regularly, depend on the Holy Ghost as you listen to your spirit man ( your heart). The doctor is not trained to give you a befitting burial. The undertaker is not trained to heal you! So, pray choose and get the right person. If you must talk to a person, go to someone qualified. Don’t seek sympathy! You need a solution, not sympathy! So, stop running around and telling your problem to everyone because the “SORRY” they will tell you could mean “ SERVES YOU RIGHT” in their hearts!
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 07:48:58 +0000

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