THE DOCTRINE OF THE SABBATH THE TEACHINGS OF BISHOP DAVID HILL/THE LORD ELIJAH. PLEASE LISTEN TO OUR GOSPEL ON YOUTUBE. @ --------------- Parts of a song I know says, thousand have his plan reverse and resting now upon the first ,but search the book and you shall know their no scripture that tells them so ,The catholic church teaches the Sabbath was given to the jews by god and came to an end with Christ death at the cross.There is no scripture that tell them so . ON may 31,1988, the late pope john paul the second 2nd,wrote a pastoral letter ,with a passion plea to all Christian to strive to get civil legistlation to keep Sunday holy .Theological reason given for the command to observe the seventh day, to the lord your god, EXODUS-20-10, therefore the lord bless the Sabbath and hallow it EXODUS-20-11, IT is a sign forever between me and the children of Israel, for in six days the lord made heaven and earth ,and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed,EXODUS-31-17, FRIENDS, our primary goal as true worshipper must be to return to the bible truth JER-2-11-13,JER-17-13 VS 19-23 ,one god the Sabbath JER-17-24-27,NO HOLY TRINITY IN ISRAEL, DUET-32-39, ISA-43-8-12, ISA-44-6-8, FRIENDS we are living in a deceive world ,JOHN-4-3-6, LET US READ REV -12-9 and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent ,called the devil and SATAN WHICH DECEIVETH THE WHOLE WORLD . He was cast out into the earth ,and his angels was cast out with him, let us read that over again, which deceiveth the whole world ,our religious leaders have been the worst deceived ZECHARIAH-13-4,TIM-3-13 REV-18-23 FOR BY THEIR SORCERIES WERE ALL NATIONS DECEIVED , VS 24 satan set up his churches ,REV 13-1 VS 3-8 VS three reads , and I saw one of his head that it were wounded to death ; AND HIS DEADLY WOUND WAS HEAL AND THE WHOLE WORLD WONDERED AFTER THE BEAST. Dear saints I know what you are reading must be shocking , and all the world wondered after the beast[satan] if we can look back to REV-13-5 And their was given unto him speaking great things and blasphemy : and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months, VS 6 READS AND HE OPENED HIS MOUTH IN BLASPHEMY AGAINST GOD , TO BLASPHEMIES HIS NAME AND HIS TABERNACLE [CHURCH] AND THEM THAT DWELL IN HEAVEN , VS 7 AND ALL THAT DWELL UPON THE EARTH SHALL WORSHIP HIM , VS 8 Whose name are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world , The name that is written in the book of life is the HOUSE OF ISRAEL READ EZEKIEL-39-29 VS-22 , JOEL-2-27, EXODUS-4-22, PSA-147-19-20, MATTHEW-10-5-6,ST JOHN 4-22. NOW true Israel is the name of the people that is written in the book EZEKIEL-13-8-9, EXODUS-11-19-20,EXODUS-31-33, WHAT IS THEIR RELIGION Monotheism, the three religion with the belief in one god ,we are told is , JEWISH,CHRISTIAN MUSLIM ,AND IN THAT ORDER, the jewish religion is number one ,All the holy prophet were in the HOUSE OF ISRAEL, the first five books were written by moses, the promoter of the jewish religion .ONE GOD , no holy trinity, DUET-5-1-14,DUET-4-39,DUET-6-13-14,DUET-32-39,MARK-2-28-32,GAL-3-28,EPH-4-4-6,I AM THE GOD OF THE HEBREWS,, EXODUS-3-18, EXODUS-5-3-7 VS16, EXODUS -9-1, VS 13 EXODUS-10-3, I AM THE LORD GOD OF ISRAEL AND NONE ELSE EXODUS-4-22 Jesus was never a Christian [Revelation-14-12]here is the patience of the saints here are they that keep the commandment of god and the religion of Jesus , He was born jewish matthew-2-2-6, his parent was in the HOUSE OF ISRAEL ST LUKE-2-41-47. JESUS KEPT THE FEAST DAYS, ST JOHN-2-13 VS 23 , ST JOHN-7-2-10 VS 14 VS 37 . Jesus kept the Sabbath day luke-4-16. Luke-13-10. Jesus did not see the holy Sabbath coming to an end with his death on the cross we can read this proof in st matthew -24-20, some say Christ brought an end to the law MATTHEW-5-17-19 other say ,faith in Christ free you from the law ,it is not true ROMANS-3-31, Jesus gave Sunday it is not so HEB-4-8, for more information please call-592-219-0430,592-676-6798, after reading please SHARE.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 11:03:17 +0000

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