THE DOWNFALL OF BERLIN WALL HAS SHAMED NKRUMAISM AND LOUD MOUTHED CHAMPAGNE SOCIALISTS OF GHANA/AFRICAN POLITICS!!! We predicted the downfall of the German Berlin Wall in 1983 in a hot forum at Cape Vars when some of us ( Dan Botwe, Hans Djaba, Arthur Kennedy, Philip Bondzie Simpson and Myself - Kofi Ghanaba) dared challenged the Socialist Students of NUGS Politics but these guys wearing long beards, tyre sandals, Che Guevara T Shirts, Faded Jeans and forever chanting Lenin-Marxism, poured scorn on it and thought it was heresy. These power hungry socialist scum, most of them in this present NDC Government, were die hard Nkrumaists, financed and supported by the Leader of Germany Erik Honecker poured scorn on it. They all said Socialism was the new best thing since sliced bread and led to the imposition of a half baked socialist revolution...I laughed at these caricatures and today, 25 years ago, we celebrate the downfall of socialism with this poignant video...what a shame to my socialist brigade of Ghana Politics. Today, like Abramovich, they are the richest in society youtube/watch?v=zmRPP2WXX0U The National Union of Ghana Students led by many of these so-called progressives adored SOCIALISM. The ideology was made popular by singular efforts of our own Messiah, Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, who even chose to wear same clothes as Mao Tse Tung, then the modern epitome of socialism. Ghana was the first to become Independent in Africa and the Messiah ensured the rest of the continent would follow this moribund socialist philosophy. The wise, sensible and more knowledgeable Members of UGCC had predicted disaster for the new Republic but these loud mouthed Veranda boys said they were lackeys of imperialism, and shouted socialism. It spread terror among those of us forever opposed to this non-traditional socio- economic and political philosophy Totobi Quakyi, Kwamena Ahwoi, Ato Dadzie, P V Obeng, Nana Konadu, Kwesi Hamilton, Tsatsu Tsikata, Kofi Awoonor, Kofi Adu, Goosie Tanoh, Nazeh Brown, Atampugre, Yieleh Chiereh, Ato Ahwoi, Kwesi Botchway,Turkson, Ama Atta Aidoo, Ato Austin, Akata Pore, Oteng Agyei, E K T Addo, Addo Aikins, George Koomson, Jehu Appiah, Kwesi Pratt, Amissah Arthur, as well as many others in this present and past NDC Government...were all SOCIALISTS ready to die for the Great Russian bear. They wont even read their own curriculum. They preferred to read Volumes of Marxism, Trotsky and Leninism and ended up with Third Class Degrees. Some even adored Stalin and took names of these socialist leaders - Karl Marx, Castro, Che Guevara, Samora Machel... They occupied the Student Movement looking for power since the overthrow of their Messiah...Kwame Nkrumah, the symbol of Communism in Africa. If you are not Socialist, then you are a saboteur, who must be suppressed and detained without trial. Under socialism, our Fathers suffered...Wow. Socialism openly preached suppression of Internal reactionaries and suppression of external collaborators (whatever that means)...they had weasel words, spewed forth through their flat nose with tightened bum as they screeched...Workers of the World Unite...bla bla bla They challenged and ridiculed Dr Busia, as a stooge of Imperialism. They had messianic words and from their wretched humble state you will think they are truly good people willing to sacrifice their lives. They fought against Kutu Acheampong with Totobi Quakyi, the Famous NUGS President chased until his car got crashed and the NUGS Secretary, Yorke died. Kofi Quakyi suffered a limp but won sympathy of many a socialist propagandist...They had a breakthrough with fake socialist pretender...JJRawlings, as they screamed hoarse...Let the Blood Flow....They meant the Blood of rich people in Ghana just as the rich faced in Russia and Cuba and East Germany and Romania...These socialists loved power and claimed Socialism was the only way to our redemption as a nation Until 1983, the NUGS Leadership changed from one socialist group to another. They were a lazy bunch but united by their quest for unbridled political power. No one knew how they will get power but these socialist scumbags had strange hopes and wore us down with their socialist bunkum. They were directly financed by International Union of Students (IUS) based in East Berlin, where a huge wall was built across the City to divide the West from the East. The socialist scum including John Mahama sought East European Scholarships to read whatever bunkum in East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Russia and USSR. We looked on and listened to these socialists across the countrys Universities. They never read Economics, Chemistry, Agriculture Science even if they were offered the subjects. Socialism was all they knew...They praised the East and ridiculed the West... the predicted the downfall of Capitalism...They cried out aloud...The bourgeoisie will be overthrown by the proletariat...I watched them in awe...My friend George Koomson joined the bandwagon following the NUGS President Philip Gardiner like a sheep; there were more crazy socialists many of my friends were socialists...Kosoko, Alonzo, Ali Bomaye, Ali Masmadi, Sofo Ali and everybody else, except some of us who had grown up in proper homes of great intellectuals, who told us Socialism was only to establish Dictatorship to steal a countrys resources as its happened in all socialist countries. Who was telling the truth. Everything was set for the great take over of Socialism across the World...then this happened...The Fall of the Berlin Wall that led to the Downfall of Socialism/Communism in 1989 Where are these socialists today? They have plunged Ghana into darkness as they shamelessly steal and share the poor countrys this socialism? Today Western Europe is flocked by many people from these socialist republics, which Totobi- Botchway- Ahwoi-Tsikata and their blind followers said Ghana must copy...HMMM...ASEM SEBE In this Video, People living behind the Iron Curtain breaks down the Berlin Wall to free themselves from Socialism, the ideology that has caused all the hardships and poverty in the present world! Socialism, my a*s*!!!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 23:28:55 +0000

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