THE DOWNWARD PULL OF HUMAN NATURE!! INEPT, INCOMPETENT CHANCELLOR SELLS MORE LIES & MISERY!!!! ODIOUS VILE NARASSIC MEGALOMANIC PSYCHOPATH EXCUSE FOR HUMAN EXCREMENT WITH NO CONCEPT OF REALITY... PEOPLE BELIEVE THIS GUY IS GOOD FOR OUR ECONOMY!! theguardian/uk-news/2014/dec/06/george-osborne-oil-industry-tax-breaks-autumn-statement theguardian/commentisfree/2014/nov/19/austerity-failed-incomes-deficit-votes-cameron Man in charge of nation’s finances struggling with concept of ‘half’. (As the Rich caused the finical meltdown in 2007/8. Its the Rich that should foot the bill all £1.425 trillion. Not that this Corrupt Government. Will remind people while we are in such a mess. 35 years of lies & secrets.. The problem with lies & secrets is that you have to produce more lies to cover up the initial lies. And so the Corruption & Criminal acts start and are hard to stop. The Establishment Piss lies & secrets on the poor, the sick & the disabled then they are made scape goats! While the Rich keep taking the Piss..) New analysis shows that social security spending by the Department for Work & Pensions has been £25 billion higher than George Osborne planned in this parliament. The figures, commissioned by shadow chancellor Ed Balls and shadow work and pensions secretary Rachel Reeves, cast grave doubt over George Osborne’s ability to deliver the savings he has promised for the next parliament. The £25 billion comes despite changes that have left families on average £974 a year worse off and despite recent falls in unemployment. Baronet Gideon George Osborne is my full Title... Oh! To live in England in the Summer Time when mummy & papa gave me everything I would ever need.. A Private Education with a bunch of other spoilt brats... But best of all I get to lie in Parliament & on TV... As an economist I completely clueless.. But that doesnt stop me taking taxpayers monies and spending on things to make me richer than the Plebs... If anything it makes me more determined to attack the sick, the working poor, the poor, the disabled & pensioners.. But what Im really pleased about is the Privatisation of all the Public sector jobs, especially the NHS... Where myself & 200 of my friends in Parliament & my chums in the Lords will make an absolute killing... As we keep sending out misinformation & misdirection all the time to our friends in the media, you know Rupert and the other 90% of the bland TV & Press Executives, that do exactly what we want... The Plebs will never catch on to what we are doing, and now we are pushing a gagging law to stop all protests either in the streets, but especially on the internet(its something I dont understand) but then again I dont have too... PS: Did I tell you about the killing I made on that piece of land behind our house in Cheshire. Well its simple I took £450,000 of taxpayers monies, bought the land, then two years ago sold it for a cool £1 million, God, the Plebs are so stupid.. Imagine if the Police found out, Oh! Its OK they know... PPS: To win a few more votes at the next election, Ive said that we as in the Royal We, as I am a Cousin of Queenie & the Number One Family, just like my best friend David C.. We are going to blame the sick & the poor for the finical meltdown in 2008, not that it affects me as I only get to live on £4 million a year from the Family Trust Fund, you know its a real struggle, but thats why Im always smiling knowing how the poor & the sick & the disabled are really suffering thanks to my Policies.. I have no real concept of being poor means, not that I will ever know.. But carry on voting for us, because you can only ever rely on us to be completely bare faced liars of the first order of the Bilderberg Club.. We are all scapegoats for the Industrial Fraudulent Machine. The Banksters, the Politicians, Hugh Corporations & the Establishment. Mam! Makes my Fin Blood Boil!!! Why are expense fraud MPs above the law? Man in charge of nation’s finances struggling with concept of ‘half’. Martin Rowson on George Osborne and the EU bill – cartoon -THE TRUTH IN SATIRE!!! gu/p/436yv/tw via @guardian Seumas Milne is one of the few mainstream journalists with the ability to cut through the bullshit and explain whats really going on with the economy. Youll generally learn more about the economic reality in a single one of his articles than in the entire output of some so-called economics correspondants.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 16:47:49 +0000

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