THE DOXA DEVOTIONAL THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 4 REASONING WITH THE LORD But I would speak to the Almighty, and I desire to argue my case with God. Job 13:3 God is to be given the profound awe and respect but sometimes we are to feel able without giving offense when dealing with God. Hes our father and not a wild old man who imposes His will on us. No! I asked a lady how she prays and she said I pray like Im talking to my father and I pray knowing Hes listening wow! Many believers see God to be someone who can open up the earth and gulp up people, Not at all. Hes so much in love with you thats why he traded His only son for you. Job was an upright man and the Lord made His boast with Him against Satan. He suffered many things and in chapter twelve, he commenced by stating the unwell treatment he received from the people around him and concluded by reverencing the Lord. In this verse of scripture, he conveyed a wonderful message which is, despite the his trials, he wouldnt be quiet because He knows how big the Lord is. Therefore, he will reason or argue out his case with the lord. In other words he wanted to negotiate with God. Beloved, what is your attitude towards the trials you encounter? Do you allow them to press you down? Realising the GOD we serve? Scripture says we shall present our cases and we shall be justified (see Isaiah 43:26).. Job knew His God and he reasoned with Him, he argued out his case with God and so must you do. Reasoning with God can be done through prayers, we sometimes permit everything that comes our way and it eventually rules over us. But if only you could demand some answers from the Lord through prayer, you will be justified. Dont allow just anything to come your way without arguing your way through with God. Bless someone with TDD TDD: STRETCHING OUT THE SEMPITERNAL HAND OF THE GOSPEL TO THE WORLD
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 08:24:14 +0000

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