THE DRAFT CONSTITUTION OF ODUDUWA REPUBLIC: In order to secure the dual ends of good governance, as well as a peaceable living among ourselves and between us and other nationalities in Nigeria, We, the Yoruba people do commission and give consent to the following as the Yoruba Nation cum Oduduwa Republic Federal Constitution. ARTICLE 1 SECTION: 1.YORUBALAND, existing as an AUTONOMOUS nation in a UNION OF NIGERIAN CONSTITUTION NATIONALITIES, shall be known and styled as ODUDUWA REGION”, if restructured, and a full sovereign Republic, when Regional Autonomy for a genuine federal Nigeria is rejected by the ruling elite and certain sections in Nigeria. 2. The central government of the union shall have no power to neither interfere nor intervene in the affairs of the ODUDUWA REGION, save as shall be agreed to by three quarters of the members of the REGIONAL parliament, and Oduduwa Republic would be actualized, when the over-due re-structuring of the Nigeria into viable equal Regions is further delayed 3. The land description of the Yoruba nation corresponds to the present states of Ekiti, Lagos, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Oyo and all Yoruba lands in Kwara , Kogi, Edo and Delta state. 4. There shall be a division of the federal armed forces in the region, 80% of which personnel shall be indigenes of the Region. The division commander shall be an indigene of Oduduwa Region. THE GOVERNMENT ARTICLE II SECTIONS: 1.Oduduwa Region shall be a federation consisting of a Regional government, provinces (Ipinle) and localities (ibile)The Region as well as each province and local council shall have a capital city which shall be the seat of Government. 2. Oduduwa Region or REPUBLIC shall adopt a parliamentary system of government. 3. All legislative powers shall be vested in PARLIAMENT of the Region, without prejudice to the rights of provinces and local councils to enact laws and ordinances relating to their provinces and local councils. 4. Any elected member of Parliament, provincial and Local assembly who wishes to join another party must first resign his/her parliamentary seat and re-contest election if he/she so wishes on the platform of his /her new party. THE REGIONAL GOVERNMENT OR A FULL REPUBLIC: ARTICLE III SECTION 1. The parliament shall be composed of members elected every 4 years by the people of the Region or Republic 2 .Such persons shall be elected on the platform of political party they represent or as independent candidates. There are no restrictions on the number of political parties. 3. The proceedings of parliament shall be directed by the speaker who shall be elected from among members. 4. Elections into parliament shall be held on June 12 of the election year, while the swearing in of representatives shall be on the 8th day of August and the annual opening session of parliament shall be 23rd day of September (to commemorate the peace treaty that ended kiriji war on September 23 rd,1886) of the same year. 5. The members of parliament shall be remunerated for their services, as shall be determining by law 6. Parliament shall enact all laws for raising revenue. No money shall be drawn from the treasury except through an appropriate ACT 7. Parliament shall have the power to make laws governing taxes, duties, excise, payment of debt, etc. It shall have the power laws governing the sourcing of funds on the behalf of the Region or Republic and to regulate commerce with the co-prosperity within the union of Nigeria or completely become sovereign and be independence in all ramifications, on its own. 8. Taxes are to be collected at Regional, Provincial, and Local levels for promotion of the general welfare of the people. 9. Parliament shall have the power to make provisions for the general welfare, security and prosperity of the Oduduwa Region. It shall set the standards for economic, educational, social and cultural advancement of Yoruba people 10. Parliament shall have a regional power to establish Regional police service with responsibility to investigate Regional crimes. This police service shall have no superintending control over the provincial and council police service. 11. There shall be a Regional or federal prosecutors Office responsible for the prosecution of cases as investigated by the Regional or federal police. The Regional prosecutors shall be elected by popular vote and shall not be a registered member of any political party. 12, recognizing that Oduduwa nation is a multi-religious society, the citizens shall have the right to freedom of worship. 13. Parliament shall not make retroactive laws. Nor shall it abridge the freedom of speech or the right of peaceful assembly. It neither shall nor abridge the right of citizens to petition government for redress. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended. Parliament shall not make any law abridging the fundamental rights, freedom and liberty of the citizens. All Yoruba people’s resident or citizens in any of the PROVINCES of the Region or Republic shall be entitled to the same privileges and immunities. 14. The power not delegated to the parliament or the provincial/Local assemblies by this constitution are reserved in the people, which may be invoked by a simple majority of voters through a referendum in the Region, Province or locality as the case may be. EXECUTIVE OF THE REGIONAL GOVERNMENT. ARTICLE 1V SECTION 1: A HEAD of state/president shall be elected for a period of five years of not more than two terms. The president shall not belong to any political party, and must not be less than 60 years. The president must be a person whose parents belong to a community indigenous to Yorubaland. The President shall declare open the parliamentary session, represent the Region on ceremonial matters, announce the dissolution of parliament, etc. 2. Executive power at the regional level shall reside in the Prime Minister-in-council (pm) elected for a period of 4 years. The leader of the majority party in parliament shall be the Prime Minster and shall be vested with the power to appoint cabinet ministers. The PM must be a person whose parents belong to a community indigenous to Yorubaland. 3. The parliament shall stand dissolved at the expiration of its 4 years term.(In the event of a motion of no confidence passed on the government by not less than the two-third of members of parliament),the PM and the government shall resign forthwith. Thereafter, the president shall call on the leader of the party which appears able to form a government that will enjoy majority support in parliament to fulfill the term of the current parliament or new election held within 30 days of the dissolution of parliament. JUDICIARY ARTICLE V SECTIONS 1: The judicial power of the Region shall be in the Supreme Court, court of appeal, High court and lower courts as the parliament may establish. 2. There shall be a court of appeal in each of the provinces. 3. There shall be in each province, a high court from which appeals shall lie to the court of appeal and the Supreme Court. 4. There shall be a CONSTITUTIONAL COURT of not more than 7 persons. Members of this court shall be not less than 65 years old. The court shall determine cases of serious constitutional issue among Local, Province and Regional or Republic governments, and between individuals and government. Members shall be nominated by the body of Benchers in each province; subject to ratification by parliament. Membership of this court is for life, subject to soundness of body and mind. LAND AND MINERAL RESOURCES ARTICLE VI SECTION 1: Yoruba customary forms of land ownership shall be respected. Exploitation of mineral resources shall be the prerogative of the host community without prejudice to right of the Local, Provincial and Regional Government to levy appropriate taxes for the welfare of the people of Yorubaland and without prejudice to the right of the UNION Government to levy taxes. THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT ARTICLE VII SECTION 1 There shall be established a PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY in each of the provinces of the Region or Republic. 2PROVISION of ARTICLE ONE and TWO in this constitution as applied to the parliament of the Region or Republic, shall apply to the PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY except that the tenure of the assembly shall be 3years 3. The EXECUTIVE POWER of the province shall reside in the PROVINCIAL GOVERNOR -IN COUNCIL, who must be an elected member of the Assembly and vested with the power to appoint members of the provincial Government. The size of the Provincial cabinet shall be determined by consideration of the financial resources of the province. 4. The assembly shall make provision for the establishment of a provincial police service, which shall be empowered to maintain law and order in the province and investigate crimes within its jurisdiction. The provincial police shall be responsible to the Governor. 5. There shall be a provincial prosecutor’s office responsible for the prosecution of cases as investigated by the provincial police. The provincial prosecuting officer shall be elected by popular vote, and shall not be a registered member of any political party. THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ARTICLE VIII SECTIONS 1.There shall be established a LOCAL ASSEMBLY in each of the Local Councils of the Oduduwa Region. 2. Provision of ARTICLE ONE AND TWO in this constitution as applied to the parliament of the Region or Republic, shall apply to the LOCAL ASSEMBLY except that the tenure shall be three years. 3. The EXECUTIVE power of the Local Council shall reside in the LOCAL ASSEMBLY CHAIRMAN - IN -COUNCIL, who must be an elected member of the assembly. The size of the Local government cabinet shall be determined by consideration of the financial resources of the local council. 4. The Assembly shall make provision for the establishment of a local council police service, which shall be empowered to maintain law and order in the local council, investigate crimes within its jurisdiction. The council police service shall be responsible to the Local Assemblies. There shall be a Council prosecutors Office responsible for the persecutor of cases as investigated by the Local police Service. The council prosecutor shall be elected by popular vote in the Local Council and shall not be a registered member of any political party. THE YORUBA PERSON ARTICLE IX SECTION: 1. All persons whose parents or grandparents belong or belonged to a community indigenous to Yorubaland and all persons either of whose parents or grandparents belong or belonged to a community indigenous to Yorubaland, and all persons in the Diaspora, of African descent who claim Yoruba ancestry, either through cultural affiliation or genealogical connection. N.B. Any Yoruba person, that oppose the above demand for the descendants of Oduduwa to re-establish their humanity and annex their total; human potential and uniqueness as a people under the garb of sabotaging this above generational struggle for Hausa-Fulani cum Gambari presidential struggle and they Would receive very soon the wrath of our creator, Olodumare and his thousands of emissaries around us. GBOGBO- OMO-ODUDUWA, IT IS TIME. Movement for Oduduwa Republic (MOORE) This Constitution is a workable pro-Independence Oduduwa Republic document. You can print and document this for future purposes. f you believe strongly and practically too, in the Process for the Independence of the Yoruba nation cum Oduduwa Republic, please endeavor to submit your names and telephone numbers to the inner -box of Obeni Makanjuola Adigun Muhammed, the National mobilization Officer of the Movement For Oduduwa Republic via his message box on Facebook.We are organizing and planning a massive peaceful protest march for Oduduwa Republic to all the existing Houses of Assemblies, to represent a petition for Oduduwa Republic, and that a motion for this demand must be followed up by voice resolutions of all members of all States legislative institutions within the Yoruba nation, to know whether they truly represent our people or themselves and godfathers. This protest is slated for early part of 2015,and would be followed by world press conference and presentations from various genuine leaders of all self-determination Groups and Oduduwa human right activists and Oduduwa Citizens present at the peacefully rallies. Please send your numbers and names via the inbox of Makanjuola Adigun Muhammed. From: Movement for Oduduwa Republic (MOORE) TELEPHONE MOBILE NUMBER IS 07067863514. On Oduduwa Republic, we over 50 million Yoruba stand.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 12:02:14 +0000

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