THE DRAMA OF ILLEGALITY IN ADAMAWA The Drama Of Illegality In - TopicsExpress


THE DRAMA OF ILLEGALITY IN ADAMAWA The Drama Of Illegality In Adamawa AFRAH SADIQ— That the Adamawa State House of Assembly has initiated an impeachment procedure against Governor Murtala Nyako and his deputy, Bala Nglari, is no longer news. However, the news is the fact that behind this seemingly legitimate legislative process is an ordous breach of law and legal procedure. The reports we read in the newspapers is largely insufficient and not reflective of the entire drama unfolding before the eyes of the people of Adamawa state. Indeed the contradictions and somersault we see from the beginning of the process to date, point to a move bereft of sincerity. It is the insincerity of it that explains the impunity with which the dramatis personae – namely the state Assembly and some elements in the judiciary, are going about this. I explain.When the Adamawa State House of Assembly first made public its intention to impeach Governor Nyako and his deputy, via an impeachment notice issued out on June 18, nineteen members endorsed the impeachment notice. However, the attempt by the House of Assembly to serve the Governor the notice of impeachment, in order to explain himself, as provided for by the law failed as Governor Nyako was not in Yola on that day. It was the same case with deputy governor. The Assembly then sought a substituted service on the duo which the state acting Chief Judge, outrightly rejected. Ruling on the Assembly’s application on June 23, Justice Ambrose Mammadi relied on a Supreme Court pronouncement on the issue of serving such notice in a matter like this, held that “service of the notice of allegations against the respondents must be by personal service”.However, while there was no service on Governor Nyako in person, as the law required, the Assembly went on to demand the acting Chief Judge to constitute an investigative panel to probe the allegations against the governor and his deputy. Strangely, the acting CJ, in disregard of his own ruling, has gone ahead to name a seven-man panel as demanded by the “lawmakers”. This is one leg of the illegality in the process.Secondly, there is a case instituted by the All Progressive Congress (APC) against three of its members in the House of Assembly who have defected to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). Interestingly, these three members were among the 19 members who signed the impeachment notice. The members are Hon. Abubakar Jerengol (Mubi North), Hon. Wafarninyi Theman (Hong) and Hon. Simon Isa (Song). Two of the three lawmakers were elected under the banner of the defunct Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) while the third was elected on the platform of the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), both parties have since collapsed into the APC. APC had therefore approached court on June 20, challenging the cross carpeting of its members and demanding the court to declare their seats vacant for a fresh election.While waiting for the court to hear the issues in the originating summon, the APC lawyers filed for a motion ex-parte for an “interim injunction restraining the defendants [which include the State Assembly and the Speaker] from acting upon in any manner whatsoever or taking any further step in pursuance of the Notice or allegation of misconduct in the matter of impeachment of the 6th defendant [Governor Nyako]”. The court granted the prayer as requested and issued an order with a lifespan of seven days. Surprisingly, however, within the span of the order, and without the court vacating it, the state Assembly, in sheer contempt of the court order, wrote to the acting CJ to request for convocation of a panel of investigation. However, instead of frowning at the contempt by the state Assembly, the Chief Judge, acting in sync with the lawmakers’ script, went on to name a panel on Friday, July 4th, the same day he also extended the order restraining the House of Assembly!I took time to explain the above scenarios to underline how the so-called impeachment proceedings lack legitimacy because of the various breaches of due process and court orders. As could be deduced from the foregoing, the actors in this “made in Abuja” script have no patience to at least implement their heinous and scripted agenda within the ambit of the law. Their resort to impunity and disregard for due process portray the whole action in its true colours that it has: a self-serving move to pave way for some individuals to achieve their personal desires, not minding whatever consequence their actions would have on the peace and tranquility enjoyed in Adamawa today.The ferocity with which the action is being prosecuted also clearly point to a greater interest and pressure. Only this weekend, the papers reported how the acting Chief Judge was allegedly compelled at gunpoint to agree to name the investigative panel, to consolidate their illegality. To say that this whole impeachment drama has the “blessing” of Abuja is to understate it. As a matter of fact, the rumours are ripe on how two top officials of the Federal Government and their cheer crowd, made up of some disgruntled Adamawa politicians, are actively teleguiding those executing the plot in Yola.At a time parts of Adamawa state are bedeviled by activities of miscreant terrorists, it is shocking that anyone would want to instigate anything that may cause rifles in other parts that are now peaceful. This is also potentially subjecting the state to a precarious change of government from a legitimate one to one that is appointive. It is now the duty of all well meaning Nigerians and respecters of rule of law to rise up against this legislative recklessness which is clouded in federal impunity. Impunity thrives when the people are silent and, indeed, silence is complicity in the midst of lawlessness and wrongdoing. Democracy should not be allowed to be rubbished and ridiculed in this manner because if it is allowed to happen in Adamawa today, no one would know what will happen in, and where, next. – Afrah Sadiq writes in from Yola
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 04:26:44 +0000

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