THE DUPLEX POLTERGEIST part 1 Like many young couples with a new - TopicsExpress


THE DUPLEX POLTERGEIST part 1 Like many young couples with a new baby, Sheri and her husband just wanted a nice home for their growing family. They thought they found it... until a series of terrifying events drove them away and they learned of the building’s horrible secret. This is Sheri’s story. In July, 2001, four months after the birth of our son, my husband and I decided it was time for a bigger apartment. Through an Internet search, we found some apartments to look at, but when we got to the building, there no one was in the office. As we were leaving, we noticed there was a duplex across the street for rent. We pulled into the driveway to check it out. As it turned out, it was perfect for our little family – exactly what we were looking for. This was in Richardson, Texas, not far from Dallas. We planned our move for September. The Voices Before we had even moved all of our stuff in, I noticed strange things happening, but I always tried to explain them away. The first incident was the day we received the keys. My husband was at work so I went over to the duplex with my son in tow to clean the place before we started moving everything over. I put a blanket down for my son in his room and lay him there with some toys to keep him busy while I cleaned. I vacuumed the living room and then went to check on my son. He had fallen asleep, so I cleaned the kitchen. I noticed there were all kinds of dishes in the cupboards; I just figured the previous tenants had forgotten them, so I put them aside so we could give them to the owner. Then I went back to the bedroom and saw that my son was still sleeping soundly and figured I had just enough time to clean the bathroom before he woke up for a bottle. While I was cleaning the bathroom, I could hear muffled voices, as if two people were having a conversation somewhere in the house. I checked our bedroom, my son’s room, the living and dining room, but of course my son and I were the only ones there. I just figured it must have been the people next door. Just then my son woke up, so I gathered up our things and we went home. Little did I know that stranger things were in store for us.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 11:51:17 +0000

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