THE DUTIES OF A MAN IN THE HOME, CHURCH, SOCIETY: A man really need to understand that women are weaker vessels and in dealing with them, you need to exercise the wisdom of God. May I ask you these questions? Are you a baby or matured husband? What type of character do you portray your home? Are you making conscious efforts to secure and mantain peace in your home? You must pursue the secret of lasting relationship (peace) and mantain it daily. (By Anonymous) Sometimes in that brief statement really husbands need to really understand the characteristic and visualization or graphic information of the wives and seriously need to differentiate it, and love, bear, support, endure, I may know not so much as a young person the systematic of wife and husband but I often seen several times the divorcement of most people, not outsiders but in the church, though Christians, let me say in a capital letter. And I saw most men or women who are lacking peace, and this could not be able to interfer till I receive the permission to, cause if I interfer the matter that does not concern me it may add trouble, but I have understandably wanting to help to find a resolution of peace, by advicing and helping the people who are in need and give some scriptures and consolation. Scientifically children are not meant to stay in the midst where the parents are in fight or complain, it may spoil the children and affect the children into crisis. Please whosoever do that, as Christ love forbid of those things. Consider your children, the situation gonna be, and the future, Let it not be affected in your life in Jesus Name, and I transmit the Power of Peace to go in your life, in your family in the Name of Jesus.. Let us therefore go a mans duty to his wife: Someone wrote this and he got the experience: I may send us here fully chapters of his books. After I have scanned you gonna think of that. Possibly sharing its even mandatory please. Thanks The first duty of a man is to love his wife with all his heart and demonstrate this at every opportunity. Men are specifically commanded to love their wives with Christ like love (unconditionally) In the point of the man who wrote sometimes it makes you to understand that when you see your wife desperated, worried, raged, angered, annoyed, and needs aid she expects or might expect your concern to her, I really know some women around. Even girls they do that by attracting the attention of the boys, so of course expecting your worryness or preoccupation. Of course man needs to be more understood. Initial time Adam was created before woman Eve, One outstanding fact is that wherever a man is found, he is always seen as a strong pillar for defence,. Stability and security whether in the home, church or society. Every man who wants to enjoy his marriage should therefore see himself as God sees him. He must understand that God made his wife out of his RIB. The woman was made from the (head man) to rule over her in love and not out of his feet to be trampled upon by him. and under his arm to be protected. Many of the crimes and social vices plaqueing the home, church, and society today would have been reduced if not totally eradicated if men have taken up their God ordained responsibilities with courage. Learning more on how best you can use some tested and sound spiritual principles, -> (doctrines), and for fulfillment of Gods will concerning your life in the home, church and society. (BY Anonymous). The man spoke this how can be possibly remedied by evaluating the society and home, church, based on his ideas and the sights, but he also known as capturing some scriptures, cause no one can say without compacting into the scriptures thats attachable to it. So through the studies of the scriptures he capacitated quick as God gave him the understanding and knowledge to find more and to dig more, so its also true about that, and theres no complaint about it, some can even complain in a just way or wrong way but theres a value of particular scripture that mostly say about husband and wife how they should live and how they should bear by comporting themselves well and being agreed in whole. So brethren he can be right or wrong but its also helpful in some areas as we have to admit him that is really so to do. Amen
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 10:54:22 +0000

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