THE EBOLA OUTBREAK IS LIKELY A HOAX TO TRICK YOU INTO GETTING A VIRAL NANOBOT LACED VACCINE THAT WILL DESTROY YOU Red alert report: confirmed: viral nanobots a reality and out in the wild now a note to the shills: what will happen if you end up with these things inside you? these are not iphones, wanna shill this? are you sure your israeli lab got this right and these will never get into you? With only 183k of super efficient dna code, viral nanobots were released into the wild via vaccinations on september 22 2007 and are being peddled as a natural variant of the t4 bacteriophage. but this report proves these nanobot phages are not natural, and were instead created by israel. these nanobots invade host organisms or cells and insert dna that causes the host make more nanobots until the host organisms or cells die from overexertion producing them. these are likely to be in the papaloma vaccine, flu shots and other vaccinations, vaccines will be the delivery medium these are distributed WITH. These are most likely in Gardasil, which in fact appears to be designed to destroy the feminine emotional centers and attack the brain, and this report proves it. Brain destroying Genetically Modified six legged T4 bacteriophage is a NANOBOT Vaccines being used for distribution RIGHT NOW something called a T-4 bacteriophage existed before, but it certainly did not look like this. I knew the six legged T4 bacteriophage was NOT NATURAL and that Israel did it and I found a way to PROVE IT. Click the image to the left to see how I proved it, this is NOT a hoax. Google yields NO image results for T4 bacteriphage before September 1 of 2007, and TONS for September 1 of 2008. So that is the time frame this little six pointed demon was released into the wild. And if Google is subsequently rigged to screw with this, I already have it documented, this is REAL FOLKS. This is an emergency now, THIS is what Israel is going to use for their race warfare ethno-bomb, and the following earlier report by this web site explains EVERYTHING ON THIS TOPIC: THIS is what Israel is going to use for their race warfare ethno-bomb. The real threat to our future is the T4 nanobot Bacteriophage An alarming development regarding the topic of viral phages has occurred here have been many reports about nanobots being developed that will destroy people. This report actually identifies that nanobot and what it is based upon. Once this nanobot is received via a tainted vaccine, it inserts DNA into your cells which instructs your own cells to produce more copies of itself and THAT is how it replicates. And it NEVER backs off, it simply orders your own cells to keep producing it until your cells die from being over worked doing exactly that. And its completely verified this thing came from a lab in 2007, scroll down to the pictures if you dont want to read a lot. Anti vaccine alternative news web sites are being taken down RIGHT NOW, with simultaneous total purges of the Google cache within hours and I beg to question why. Actually, there is little to question. The answer is apparently obvious. The elite are now going for a huge push to get the T4 bacteriophage nanobot and other tainted vaccine additives put into the entire world public via mandated injections AT ONCE. And I suspect they are going to use a phony Ebola outbreak to scare the people into accepting shots laced with T4 nanobots, with everyone receiving the shot within a short period of time. More so than flight370, Ukraine, and other issues, the takedown of anti vaccine web sites right in the middle of an Ebola outbreak is the coincidence we should all be paying attention to, THIS IS THE NEWS, if we miss this one we are likely to be destroyed.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 08:31:53 +0000

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