THE EBOLA VIRUS. The World Health Organization describes Ebola as - TopicsExpress


THE EBOLA VIRUS. The World Health Organization describes Ebola as a severe acute viral illness. Early symptoms are similar to malaria and include the sudden onset of fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, diarrhoea, vomiting and both internal and external bleeding. It is a Central African disease that has traveled over countries in a living host to West Africa. It is easily spread by physical contact and eating contaminated bush meat. The deadliest Ebola outbreak on record has so far killed more than 670 people in Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia and Nigeria and there are fears of a global epidemic. It kills in a week, leaving no time to treat an individual. It has no known vaccine or cure. The Ebola outbreak of 2014 is the most challenging one witnessed in Africa. Where did it come from? Scientists believe it was initially present in wild animals such as fruit bats living in tropical rainforests in equatorial Africa. The disease spread to humans when they came into contact with the organs, blood or other bodily fluids from infected animals through hunting. Major hosts are in 5 species of Bats but monkeys and apes are easily infected and killed. It is gradually becoming a global pandemic. How is it spread? Ebola is highly infectious. It can be transmitted through contact with the blood, bodily fluids and organs, including skin, of sufferers or through indirect contact with environments contaminated by the disease. The disease can also have a long incubation period, up to three weeks, which allows it to spread rapidly before diagnosis and quarantine can take place. PRECAUTIONS. 1. Avoid eating any bush meat for now! Especially Apes and Bats. 2. Wash your hands as regularly as possible, especially after shaking a stranger. It is spread by contact. 3.The most straight forward prevention method during Ebola outbreaks is not touching patients, their excretions, and body fluids, or possibly contaminated materials and utensils. Patients should be isolated, and medical staff should be trained and apply strict barrier nursing techniques (disposable face mask, gloves, goggles, and a gown at all times).Traditional burial rituals, especially those requiring embalming of bodies, should be discouraged or modified.Just of recent it is reported the virus has reached Lagos and is spreading as wild fire.Awareness is key, don’t just read or ignore… Share it please.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 19:26:11 +0000

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