THE ECONOMIC FREEDOM FIGHTERS YEAR END MESSAGE: 2014 THE YEAR OF THE EFF 31 December 2014 On the last day of 2014, the Economic Freedom Fighters proudly proclaims that 2014 was the year of the EFF, yet just the beginning of many great things to come. The EFF consolidated and communicated the struggle for economic freedom more cogently and coherently in 2014. As an economic emancipation movement, there are so many historic and memorable achievements we can speak about, but these are the major achievements, but the following deserve to be isolated and mentioned: 1) In 2014, the EFF delivered a decent house to the Hlongwane family in Nkandla and proclaimed that model of house we will build when we are government, but also exposed the uncaring nature of the sitting Head of State. 2) In 2014, the EFF contested the General Elections with no resources, yet was able to secure seats and representation in all Parliaments and Legislatures in South Africa. 3) In 2014, the EFF hosted the biggest rally for any opposition political party in South Africa for the launch of the EFF Elections Manifesto where more than 75 000 people attended. 4) In 2014, the EFF ran the most disciplined and cogent elections campaign against threats of violence and against refusal by the ruling party to give the EFF permission to use public spaces. 5) In 2014, the EFF changed the character of Parliament and demanded accountability from elected representatives, particularly the Executive. 6) In 2014, the EFF drew unprecedented levels of attention to Parliament due to its robustness. 7) In 2014, the EFF presented cogent Left and socialist alternatives in Parliament, being the only socialist organisation that is at the forefront of people’s struggles. 8) In 2014, the EFF demanded in parliament that Jacob Zuma must pay back the money as instructed by the remedial action of Public Protector, and this led to a nationwide consciousness and campaign with ordinary citizens demanding that Jacob Zuma should pay back the money. 9) In 2014, the EFF published a book, which detailed the immediate past history of the EFF and cogently discusses the content and character of the struggle for economic freedom. 10) In 2014, the EFF ran more than 2500 ward-based Branch People’s Assemblies, which elected Branch Command Teams. 11) In 2014, the EFF ran more than 40 Regional People’s Assemblies which elected EFF Leadership collectives in all regions. 12) In 2014, the EFF ran 7 out of 9 Provincial People’s Assemblies which elected Provincial Command Teams. 13) In 2014, the EFF established 52 regional offices, 9 provincial offices and a head Office with staff members, physical addresses and operations fit for a national organisation. 14) In 2014, the EFF convened a successful National People’s Assembly which elected the Central Command Team and consolidated recommendations from branches, regions and provinces into a cogent organisational, political and ideological programme the EFF will pursue for the next 5 years. These are just some of the key highlights of the EFF in 2014, and all this happened because the organisation is held together by unity of purpose and discipline which will win us the struggle for economic freedom. With all these achievements and many which cannot be written in one statement, we can safely proclaim that politically, 2014 was THE YEAR OF THE EFF! WHAT WILL 2015 OFFER TO THE EFF? 2015 is the year to intensify organisational building and parliamentary robustness. These are just some of the key issues 2015 will focus on: 1) In 2015, the EFF will establish ward based branches in all the wards of South African municipalities, and ensure that they all receive political induction and education. 2) In 2015, the EFF will establish the EFF Students Command, which will contest Students’ Representative Councils in all institutions of Higher Learning. 3) In 2015, the EFF will commence the programme of establishing the EFF Youth and Women’s Command. 4) In 2015, the EFF will lead radical and militant campaigns around all mining communities with the aim of ensuring that Mines play a leading role in the Mines. 5) In 2015, the EFF will lead radical and militant land redistribution programme, which will give unoccupied land to landless masses of our people. 6) In 2015, the EFF will make sure that Jacob Zuma Pays Back the Money as instructed by the remedial actions of the Public Protector. 7) In 2015, the EFF will table cogent alternate legislations on Minimum wages, banning of Labour brokers and many other aspects contained in our elections manifesto. 8) In 2015, the EFF will explore possibilities of establishing an internal bursary schemes which will take Fighters and Commissars to the best Universities in South Africa, Africa, and the world to gain knowledge, skills and expertise which will ready the EFF as Government. 9) In 2015, the EFF shall strengthen its international relations wing to ensure that the message of economic freedom in our lifetime finds friends abroad, particularly in the continent of Africa. 10) In 2015, the EFF shall continue to work with opposition parties in parliament on all issues of national importance 11) In 2015, the EFF elections machinery shall be visible in all 4 230 wards of the 278 municipalities across all 9 provinces. Not an inch of elections space shall be left unattended. We close this year 2014 cognisent of the plight of Palestinians in the midst of Israeli occupation, the people of Swaziland who are visited by the tyranny of the polygamist absolute monarchy and the people of Western Sahara who continue to live under the yoke of the Moroccan feudalist king. To them we pledge unwavering solidarity and promise them that prior to EFF 2019 democratic elections takeover, EFF would have upscaled the mobilisation of South Africans, Africa and the world behind their cause. On that note, the EFF wishes all South Africans a Happy 2015. We encourage all South Africans to behave in a responsible way and avoid happenings that lead to the loss of life. We all need each other for 2015. Revolutionary Wishes for 2015!! ISSUED BY THE ECONOMIC FREEDOM FIGHTERS MBUYISENI QUINTIN NDLOZI (National Spokesperson) Cell Number: +27 73 133 3012 | +27 (61) 482 6589 Website: Email: [email protected] Facebook: Mbuyiseni Quintin Ndlozi || Twitter: @EconFreedomZA and @MbuyiseniNdlozi
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 16:03:17 +0000

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