THE ELEMENTS: RELIGION AND POLITICS Religion and politics are - TopicsExpress


THE ELEMENTS: RELIGION AND POLITICS Religion and politics are the two deadly tools or elements the enemies have used to impoverish and destabilise us as a nation. Obviously, Nigeria has experience far too worse killings of men and women due to religion and politics than natural disasters and civil war put together. She has been used greatly by evil men called elders to ferment chaos so as to favour their own aggrandisement. Funny enough, our elders have continued to lead the youths towards these lines that have only brought us hatred and irate amongst our fellow men. And like illiterate people, we as a people are so sinked into it so much so that we are afraid of getting out. It will shock you to know that these elements are foreign and are copied from the west and other countries. It will also shock you to know that in America, UK, France and other developed countries, greater percentages of the youths there care little or nothing about these elements called Religion and Politics, yet they have an almost perfect societies. They dont go to church or mosque yet they care more about themselves while love and unity remain a strong bond. They are not members or affiliates of political party, yet the government of the day provides their basic needs compulsorily. Today, in our dear country, the youths talk more about religion, if not, politics and nothing else. They occupy and becloud their creative minds with the remains of our elders; hatred and discord. The youths are so incapacitated that they risk their tomorrow just to get a greedy politician into office or turn to religion to remain there and die. The youths who are supposed to be the future leader now have no future to lead. They are blind folded, raped, impoverished, incapacitated, uneducated, and overused by the elders who remain and yet wants to lead until they die on seat. I want to encourage the youths of today to take religion out of politics, or better still, take politics out of religion. They should eschew violence and play politics with love and unity as our watchword. The youth should remember the antecedences of our elders that have brought us nothing more than the hatred for one another that we are born to live in today. Let us shun anything that brings us division, whether religion or politics, and preach UNITY, LOVE, TOGETHERNESS AND DEVELOPMENT. As the February elections approach, let us not vote in the lines of religion, rather, let us vote that man or woman that has the interest of the youths in his/her manifesto. Let us seek to vote someone that is capable of taking us forward and not backwards. I call on the youths to vote wisely. THE FUTURE, THEY SAY, IS IN OUR HANDS. Lets grab it now! Egberi faadeh.... Its me again... E.B.Johnson Your Societal Watch!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 00:31:52 +0000

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