THE EMPIRE IS CRUMBLING, THAT IS WHY IT NEEDS WAR - by ANDRE VITCHEK - a novelist, film maker and investigative journalist. He covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. The result is his latest book: “Fighting Against Western Imperialism”. - Article Published in CounterPunch 26-28 Dec 2014: Excerpts: The world is in turmoil. Like in the early 1940’s, something tremendous is gaining shape, something irreversible... Countries are now evidently put on the spot: ‘they either accept the Western neo-colonialist doctrine’, or they get destroyed, one after another, as were Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria...It is clear that the Empire is preparing for the final assault. It will not back down. Some would ask, why now? Why is there suddenly such a rush to fight the final battle for the total control over the planet? The answer is very clear: for the first time disgust with the Empire is widespread, and worldwide. Many people are getting cured from blindness. The mask of benevolence and rationality has been torn off by powerful media outlets... The mask has fallen and what is now exposed is a horrifying face of a monster... It dwells on self-righteousness, and at the same time, on its twisted market-fundamentalist faith that everything and everybody are for sale. It is a monster full of complexes – both those of superiority and inferiority. The voices of the voiceless are now resonating louder and louder – we make sure that they are! And the monster, the Empire, knows that it is the beginning of the end. This year, somehow, it appears that you went too far, that the proverbial drop has had fallen on Earth. Stop! And stop torturing this Earth. Stop, or there will be a fight. And you will lose, or we will all lose, but you will lose no matter what. Despite all of its terror, propaganda and brainwashing called ‘education’, the Empire is well aware that it is losing its grip on global power. The year 2015 is approaching. During that year, it will become clear who is fighting for the survival of our human race, and who is on the side of oppression, of imperialism, and of the Empire. The Empire has many allies, all over the world, but most of them are of an extremely sinister nature. But their closest allies are always ignorance, servility and fear. While our revolutions, the true ones, as well as the resistance and battles for a better world, are always based on knowledge, and in summary are nothing else other than an act of love. No humanist, no compassionate human being wants this sort of shit! And for the first time, people are not afraid to say it, or at least to hear it, or read it! I am not afraid to write this. Are you scared to read it? I don’t think so. To fight for a better world, and for the oppressed, is like writing a poem. War is when you plunder and rape, when you murder in order to oppress, and to control others! Peace can only be based on justice, on social justice especially; otherwise it is not peace. The Empire is decomposing; it is sick, unsustainable. But it is also toxic, and its illness is contagious. Its propaganda is mighty and its dogmas are violent. Let us make sure that it goes away, crumbles, step by step, without destroying the world, without dragging it into WWIII. Let us unite, individuals and nations, movements and parties. At least until the most dangerous period passes.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 08:27:56 +0000

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