THE END OF A NATION In the USA the Constitution by which the - TopicsExpress


THE END OF A NATION In the USA the Constitution by which the values set forth for our government including The Bill of Rights all branches of the federal judicial system were to be unlike any other country in history. A document drafted For The People by the People to empower citizens of the new land against a government who might want rule by tyranny. No country has ever been perfect, but a tyrannical government acting apart from its citizens is exactly what our forefathers didnt want. Sadly in our country when the most innocent of human life that should be protected has become meaningless and in fact encouraged by a legal genocide just as the holocaust perpetrated to exterminate a race of people. Many Americans now are accused openly in a mass propaganda controlled media as terrorist,agitators,hostage taking thugs, and holding a gun to the heads of other Americans. Of course this is the regular hate speech by the left , they use this scare tactic for anyone who would question their tricks of manipulation of the laws. When quoting the Constitution, standing up for your constitutional rights you are a enemy of this government. Our Constitution & Bill of Rights were drafted not just as words on paper but words written into the hearts of men. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. As our Forefathers knowing this new nation needed a binding document to keep a government from tyranny of its people and to keep those who might use their new position of power to do evil instead of the good. These unalienable rights given to men by God were so cherished our forefathers also wrote and I quote --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,. also comes to mind this other great saying The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Those words are never more true than now in America as were they in Nazi Germany 1939.The whole World came together for the good of mankind to defeat a madman. America has always meant to be like a lamp lighted on a lamp stand for all to see, it gives light to the whole room in this case the World. Their is a struggle of good vs. evil in America, an evil not showing its true color or intent but their for all to see who look into its murky snake eyes. Our nation hangs in the balance, at the core of this evil intent is a spirit as old as Egyptian pyramids. Just as dangerous as Communism and Socialism made up of both tyrannical seeds sadly it has taking over the Democratic party of the United States. Although not stopping their it seeks to take over the Republican party of the United States of America. Just as water dripping from one cloud multiplies then comes the rain, it fills a stream ,the stream flows into a river, without boundaries or a dam comes a flood. Eventually the lake will overflow until everything in its path will be consumed and covered. This master of evil in disguise as good, no longer fears prosecution by the people. By slowly replacing just laws with tyrannical ones brings hardship for all but the elite. This Spirit being a master of deceit spins a web of lies teaching false history of past, present and future. Knowing they are in control of those who have the evidence to uncover their lies they never stop working to protect them. Like thousands of ants protecting the Queen they spread false accusations about good men to divert attention from their own evil intentions. Inventing every conceivable kind of lie they are masters at keeping the real truth from unlearned and the ignorant. They condone passing laws contrary to the natural laws of God, all the time exempting themselves from laws they chose that are bad for themselves. If that isnt enough mocking anyone who wants to uphold laws set forth by the Creator of the Universe as the ones with no morals and as racist uncaring persons. Never resting to inflict hardships to millions they steal from those whom God has blessed saying they stole from those who did not earn a keep. They love mocking them in defiance before God for all to hear, laugh at such wisdom and by also slowly turning good people over into Satans hands.This is done by one at a time passing laws contrary to Gods laws so that eventually everyone at some point will be forced in some way to do so willfully or not. Going so far as to say your body is not your own neither you or your children ,it is ours and we do what we want with it even those who have not been born yet. Having nothing but contempt for others with dissension contrary to their beliefs and agenda they will not rest until all authority and power is theirs. Like all civilizations when rulers whether elected or a grab of power impose unjust laws by tyranny and deceit in the end will fail.With it will be The Fall Of A Nation as God will not keep his protective hand on a unjust people and rulers who have mocked and turned from God. It is not to late but time is running out.. God bless and help us all JW
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 04:07:22 +0000

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