THE END OF JB MOMENT AND THE BEGINNING OF NEW ERA In past two years alot of things happened. To sum up it all, it is the opposition dpp that carried the day, according to MEC announcement. At a time like this, the best thing to do is respect the will of Malawians. Surely, the law does not allow to have two Presidents at the State House. This is the time for Prof. Mutharika led dpp to steer the ship, God willing, for the next five years. As a young man who spent much of my time in the village, i unwaveringly supported Her Excellency Dr. Joyce Banda because of the interest she has for the poor people. It is something she was born with, its a special gift on its own thus my respect, loyalty and love for Dr. Joyce Banda shall remain so without any conditions attached. At a time like this, no sane person can risk partisan bickering, political posturing and changing goal posts. To my fellow comrades whom i worked closely with in our bid to have Dr. Banda stay in power, i say we are down yes but we are not out. We fought a courageous and gallant fight. The dpp has set a precedence which we can use to our advantage come 2019. If dpp has been able to regroup in two years surely we have full five years ahead of us to restrategize and come up with a winning formula. I therefore urge the incoming regime to reach across the aisle to do nations work and rebuild Malawi. Last year our economy grew by an impressive margin of 6 percent according to IMF and World Bank figures. It is my hope that the new government will take steps to sustain or even improve this growth. To my family, yes Im very much aware we belonged to different political camps and this has been a source of friction among us, all i can say is that my support for Dr. Joyce Banda was and still remain a matter of principle and not otherwise. Finally to Madam President Dr. Joyce Banda, you are a great woman. You shall always have my respect and loyalty. Let me take the opportunity to sincerely thank you Madam President for the confidence you have shown in me. Pa Chichewa pali mau akuti kuyenda awiri simantha as such i would like to assure you that the new path you are about to take you will never walk alone. INDEED THIS HAS BEEN A JB MOMENT. ONE PRESIDENT AT A TIME!!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 06:07:56 +0000

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