THE END OF THE RELATIONSHIP……WHAT ABOUT YOU? Just before you - TopicsExpress


THE END OF THE RELATIONSHIP……WHAT ABOUT YOU? Just before you go to bed, you’re lying there, crying, because the relationship you had, is now over. You ask yourself, Why? What did I do wrong? “I should have being more grateful, I should have noticed her/his loving exchanges more, rather than just ignoring them”. You know the answers, deep down, but you don’t want to accept the fact that it’s over. Your insides hurt, your stomach is empty, your tears are flowing down your cheeks. You just want to pick up your phone and call them in desperation. I’m not talking about those relationships where you don’t express even a tiny bit of love, but those where you were deeply in love. Even so, you know deep in your heart that breaking up was the best thing that could have happened, but peculiarly, you refuse to acknowledge it. You remember them next to you, cuddling you, placing their arms around you, so you could smell their unique scent. You remember the things you both did, driving in the car hand-in-hand, meeting at night for fast food, receiving texts saying ‘I love you’, waking up next to each other in a warm bed, and those romantic, intimate times when you both were one, in each others arms. Well, even if you ignore it, truth be told, you have to realize that the relationship is over, and that you have to slowly let it go. A lot of us know the breakup is killing you inside. It’s hard; it’s like a ton of weights on chains, holding you down, suppressing you. You might be feeling a sense of doom, thinking you’ll never find someone like them again, or anyone for that matter. But that’s not true. You are feeling down in the dumpsters and clouded because you are human, and humans feel, think, believe, love, and dream whatever they want. Don’t ignore the feelings totally; acknowledge them, label them, cry as much as you have to, pray if you want to, then over time, you’ll be the better for it. You will find love again, perhaps not today, but tomorrow, next week, or next month. But we do know that it will come at a time when you’re ready, when you love, not only yourself, but life for what it is. Your ex is hurting just as much you are, perhaps even more, but know that the relationship taught her something about life, just as much as you are being taught, and both the heart and mind never forget that. Your time is coming, where YOU will be flourishing in love, swimming in happiness, and enjoying the success that a companion brings. Sure, shit happens, but at least you know how love hurts because you tried. Your time for love is coming again soon. Explore, have faith, smile, and hug your Mum or Dad. REMEMBER, love comes again. But YOU first.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 06:16:59 +0000

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