THE ENDEARING HEART: CHAPTER THREE - ABIDING IN GOD Its not often I am asked to write about something... and wait to hear from above to fulfill the request... and I am handed the opportunity to share from my own perspective... wow, talk about being put on the spot... The subject is to abide... well, first thing I had to do, to be honest, is gain an understanding of what the word truly means... and wow, the definition kind of messed me up right off the top... 1. accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation). 2. informal - be unable to tolerate (someone or something). Being the circle in a square world that, the creative, artistic type, I fully understand following in the footsteps of Christ... to walk in Christ, His life in and through me, to walk and live out His Word, both the Bible and spoken directly to me experiential during direct encounters... But the definition that wrecked me to be honest, was number 2, to be unable to tolerate... One thing I have noticed more and more within peoples lives, as I have been deeply involved in ministering outwardly to souls and within inner healing counseling settings, is how often people express how they feel, be it they feel under attack, under stress, whatever... I cannot begin to say enough about what it feels like, for myself, to abide in Christ... be it hidden under the shadow of Gods wing, or side by side with Christ, Daddy God, the Holy Spirit in my daily walk, in warfare, ministering to someone... but intolerable, sure fits... not in a bad way, no, I dont mean that, but... well... let me try to put into words that which probably cannot be put into words... Sometimes I sit at home alone in a tough place, having just ministered to someone, walked them through deliverance or whatever, or someone took me through some cleansing myself, or I received a Word that was hard to hear but I know was from above... and Ill put on some of my favorite worship music, and just marinade in the very Presence of God... and there is simply nothing in my humanness, that can simply tolerate that... I am a mess... I am mush... like melted butter on hot popcorn... someone get a mop and pick me up off the floor... Im talking about that place in God where Im at a waterfall and I hear His voice so loud and clear... it is just Him and me alone... that place where Daddy God wraps His loving arms around me... that place where Jesus takes my hand, and I let go of the bow of the boat, and i step over the edge and onto the water with Him... and He bows to me as a gentleman to His lady, and the music begins, and I am suddenly wearing a beautiful white gown wedding dress, and so the music begins and He leads and we dance... the dance of lovers... upon the top of the water... that place where the Holy Spirit brings me deep into the inner courts of my being, the temple of the Holy Spirit that is me... made the Holy of Holies... and we walk together, into the open Heaven... and I proceed, ever so slowly, as a son, to the garden, to be with papa God... How do I tolerate that, in my humanness? How does anyone? What I mean is, every cell in my body is suddenly on fire with the very Glory of God... my every breath, my senses are so increased... I am so very aware of Him... and so aware that He is so very aware of me... It is THIS place, that I long to be... for eternity... it is THIS place I burn for, because I am so deeply in love with Him that I am completely, totally beside myself. Act in accordance? I want nothing more than to be pleasing in His sight... I want to be a bride that Jesus is drawn to as no lover on earth, and bear Him children, souls, disciples, evangelism pouring out of my spiritual womb with everything within me... I want to be as a son like no other son on earth, that fully invests every talent God has entrusted to me and joyfully present Him with the interest, that He might consider entrusting me with more, that He might consider widening and deepening the riverbed within me to increase my capacity to hold more and more of Him until I have all of Him... I simply want nothing less... I want to be One with the Holy Spriit that His mentoring takes me into the perfection of my faith, and I am walking in Jesus in such a way that I am doing as Christ, and greater things than he, so that I am a world changer... because i know the condition of the soul of man grieves the heart of the Spirit of the Living God... and I know I have what the world needs within me to change all of that... I have Jesus... and I long for Holy Spriit to make me that fountain of Christ, that carrier of Heaven, that carrier of the Glory of God that I make a difference... in every facet of the diamond of God, to walk as a prophet, teacher, evangelist, whatever is needed at that moment... this is my great commission, this I know, is Oneness with God... but not just in my doing... ...but being... ...yes, just to be... To be at His feet at any given moment... as Mary Magdalene, washing His feet with my tears, wiping them with my hair, as I remember where He brought me from, where He has brought me to... as Mary in the house of Martha, just soaking in His every Word, staring into the fire of His eyes... soaking in His love and adoration... applying all that He is into every area of my life, into every situation and circumstance... lining up His Word, both written and spoken, that I might walk in His very will in my life... Yes, to abide in God is very wrecking, but it is real life, not that of what we were born into in the natural, but stepping into the supernatural. Indeed, we are natural beings, made into supernatural life having a supernatural experience, to bring the supernatural to the natural... we are born into the temporal, to bring the eternal... we are born of the earth, become of Heaven, to release Heaven upon this earth... to release the One who lives and reigns in us, those of us who have received the free gift of salvation... and fully understand the deeper things of God and walk in His shoes upon this earth, just as He once did. This is about deep, intimate family relationship... that we might be found hidden in the Father Heart of God. - Todd L Thomas, excerpt from the Book Poured Out, available early 2015 at Amazon
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 04:53:39 +0000

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