THE ENTRY OF MALAYAN IMPOSED / IMPORTED RACIAL HATRED INTO SARAWAK HAS BEGUN!. I deleted a few postings early this morning stating the statement made by a group calling itself Peradaban Melayu Sarawak or something like that, attacking the Chinese and in particular Mr DAP Chong and the chinese political agenda of controlling Sarawak. We even advised some members not to highlight these group postings as we consider them Non Entity and not in tandem with our mission to create a better Sarawak with sifar racisme or zero racism. Now we can see the ugly side of Malayan imported racism trying to take the centre stage, most likely used to be shit stirrer, to create riots or inter racial hatreds. Really stupid to blame almost everything on the Chinese, yet to call ourselves Sarawakian, tolerant and good people. Unknowingly they also should have highlighted that these Chinese were merely the breeds of opportunities created by the Malay/ Melanau leaders themselves. It was Tun Rahman, followed by Taib Mahmud that had created these Timber Rich tycoons and not the Malay population per se. What have our Malay YBs done to stop these from happening when millions of acres of timber and lands are alienated to KTS, Rimbunan Hijau, Samling, Shin Yang, Ta Ann and others. Not all chinese are beneficiaries of this political patronage. Why blame the Chinese in general, when the Malay Political Generals were responsible for enriching their Chinese cronies?. Please tell me I am wrong? How do we put back or country in order that the wealth can be fairly distributed and put the wrong of 50 years, right? That is the reason why we want an Independent Sarawak, devoid or racial bias, fair economic distributions of the countrys resources, to benefit all races. Is it not obvious people, the blame game, the racial slur, the religious bigotry and extreme hatred are being imported from Malaya? Sarawakain must stay united against these onslaught of extremisms aimed at creating a situation ripe for another Emergency declaration!. BEWARE!.
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 11:07:45 +0000

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